Karrio API (2024.9.15)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Karrio is a multi-carrier shipping API that simplifies the integration of logistics carrier services.
The Karrio API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
The Karrio API differs for every account as we release new versions. These docs are customized to your version of the API.
When backwards-incompatible changes are made to the API, a new, dated version is released.
The current version is 2024.9.15
Read our API changelog to learn more about backwards compatibility.
As a precaution, use API versioning to check a new API version before committing to an upgrade.
The Karrio API offer the possibility to create and retrieve certain objects in test_mode
In development, it is therefore possible to add carrier connections, get live rates,
buy labels, create trackers and schedule pickups in test_mode
All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via "list" API methods. For instance, you can list addresses, list shipments, and list trackers. These list API methods share a common structure, taking at least these two parameters: limit, and offset.
Karrio utilizes offset-based pagination via the offset and limit parameters. Both parameters take a number as value (see below) and return objects in reverse chronological order. The offset parameter returns objects listed after an index. The limit parameter take a limit on the number of objects to be returned from 1 to 100.
"count": 100,
"next": "/v1/shipments?limit=25&offset=50",
"previous": "/v1/shipments?limit=25&offset=25",
"results": [
{ ... },
Updateable Karrio objects—including Shipment and Order have a metadata parameter. You can use this parameter to attach key-value data to these Karrio objects.
Metadata is useful for storing additional, structured information on an object. As an example, you could store your user's full name and corresponding unique identifier from your system on a Karrio Order object.
Do not store any sensitive information as metadata.
API keys are used to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Dashboard.
Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API token as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password.
$ curl https://instance.api.com/v1/shipments \
-u key_xxxxxx:
# The colon prevents curl from asking for a password.
If you need to authenticate via bearer auth (e.g., for a cross-origin request),
use -H "Authorization: Token key_xxxxxx"
instead of -u key_xxxxxx
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. API requests without authentication will also fail.
Response samples
- 200
{- "VERSION": "",
- "APP_NAME": "",
- "APP_WEBSITE": "",
- "HOST": "",
- "ADMIN": "",
- "OPENAPI": "",
- "GRAPHQL": "",
- "AUDIT_LOGGING": true,
- "ALLOW_SIGNUP": true,
Response samples
- 200
{- "VERSION": "",
- "APP_NAME": "",
- "APP_WEBSITE": "",
- "HOST": "",
- "ADMIN": "",
- "OPENAPI": "",
- "GRAPHQL": "",
- "AUDIT_LOGGING": true,
- "ALLOW_SIGNUP": true,
- "countries": { },
- "currencies": { },
- "carriers": { },
- "customs_content_type": { },
- "incoterms": { },
- "states": { },
- "services": { },
- "connection_configs": { },
- "service_names": { },
- "options": { },
- "option_names": { },
- "package_presets": { },
- "packaging_types": { },
- "payment_types": { },
- "carrier_capabilities": { },
- "service_levels": { }
Obtain auth token pair
Authenticate the user and return a token pair
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
email required | string |
password required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "email": "string",
- "password": "string"
Response samples
- 201
{- "access": "string",
- "refresh": "string"
Refresh auth token
Authenticate the user and return a token pair
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
refresh required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "refresh": "string"
Response samples
- 201
{- "access": "string",
- "refresh": "string"
Get verified JWT token
Get a verified JWT token pair by submitting a Two-Factor authentication code.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
refresh required | string |
otp_token required | string The OTP (One Time Password) token received by the user from the configured Two Factor Authentication method. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "refresh": "string",
- "otp_token": "string"
Response samples
- 201
{- "access": "string",
- "refresh": "string"
This is an object representing your Karrio carrier extension. You can retrieve all supported carrier extensions available.
Response samples
- 200
- 500
[- {
- "carrier_name": "dhl_express",
- "display_name": "DHL Express",
- "connection_fields": {
- "site_id": {
- "name": "site_id",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "password": {
- "name": "password",
- "required": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "account_number": {
- "name": "account_number",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "paperless",
- "shipping",
- "tracking",
- "rating",
- "pickup"
], - "config_fields": {
- "label_type": {
- "code": "label_type",
- "name": "label_type",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
}, - "skip_service_filter": {
- "code": "skip_service_filter",
- "name": "skip_service_filter",
- "required": false,
- "type": "string"
}, - "shipping_options": {
- "code": "shipping_options",
- "name": "shipping_options",
- "required": false,
- "type": "list"
}, - "shipping_services": {
- "code": "shipping_services",
- "name": "shipping_services",
- "required": false,
- "type": "list"
Get carrier services
Retrieve a carrier's services
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string The unique carrier slug. |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "canadapost_regular_parcel": "DOM.RP",
- "canadapost_expedited_parcel": "DOM.EP",
- "canadapost_xpresspost": "DOM.XP",
- "canadapost_xpresspost_certified": "DOM.XP.CERT",
- "canadapost_priority": "DOM.PC",
- "canadapost_library_books": "DOM.LIB",
- "canadapost_expedited_parcel_usa": "USA.EP",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_usa": "USA.PW.ENV",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_usa": "USA.PW.PAK",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_usa": "USA.PW.PARCEL",
- "canadapost_small_packet_usa_air": "USA.SP.AIR",
- "canadapost_tracked_packet_usa": "USA.TP",
- "canadapost_tracked_packet_usa_lvm": "USA.TP.LVM",
- "canadapost_xpresspost_usa": "USA.XP",
- "canadapost_xpresspost_international": "INT.XP",
- "canadapost_international_parcel_air": "INT.IP.AIR",
- "canadapost_international_parcel_surface": "INT.IP.SURF",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_intl": "INT.PW.ENV",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_intl": "INT.PW.PAK",
- "canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_intl": "INT.PW.PARCEL",
- "canadapost_small_packet_international_air": "INT.SP.AIR",
- "canadapost_small_packet_international_surface": "INT.SP.SURF",
- "canadapost_tracked_packet_international": "INT.TP"
This is an object representing your Karrio carrier connections.
You can retrieve all carrier connections available to your account.
The carrier_id
is a friendly name you assign to your connection.
List carrier connections
Retrieve all carrier connections
query Parameters
active | boolean |
carrier_name | string The unique carrier slug. |
metadata_key | string |
metadata_value | string |
system_only | boolean |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "carrier-connection",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "display_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "is_system": true,
- "active": true,
- "test_mode": true
Add a carrier connection
Add a new carrier connection.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" A carrier connection type. |
carrier_id required | string A carrier connection friendly name. |
required | zoom2u (object) or usps_wt_international (object) or usps_wt (object) or usps_international (object) or usps (object) or ups (object) or tnt (object) or tge (object) or sendle (object) or seko (object) or sapient (object) or royalmail (object) or roadie (object) or purolator (object) or nationex (object) or locate2u (object) or laposte (object) or hay_post (object) or geodis (object) or generic (object) or freightcom (object) or fedex_ws (object) or fedex (object) or eshipper (object) or easyship (object) or easypost (object) or dpdhl (object) or dpd (object) or dicom (object) or dhl_universal (object) or dhl_poland (object) or dhl_parcel_de (object) or dhl_express (object) or colissimo (object) or chronopost (object) or canpar (object) or canadapost (object) or bpost (object) or boxknight (object) or australiapost (object) or asendia_us (object) or aramex (object) or amazon_shipping (object) or allied_express_local (object) or allied_express (object) Carrier connection credentials. |
capabilities | Array of strings or null The carrier enabled capabilities. |
object Default: {} Carrier connection custom config. | |
object Default: {} User metadata for the carrier. | |
active | boolean Default: true The active flag indicates whether the carrier account is active or not. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "active": true
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "carrier-connection",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "display_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "is_system": true,
- "active": true,
- "test_mode": true
Retrieve a connection
Retrieve carrier connection.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "carrier-connection",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "display_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "is_system": true,
- "active": true,
- "test_mode": true
Update a connection
Update a carrier connection.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
carrier_name | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" A carrier connection type. |
carrier_id | string A carrier connection friendly name. |
zoom2u (object) or usps_wt_international (object) or usps_wt (object) or usps_international (object) or usps (object) or ups (object) or tnt (object) or tge (object) or sendle (object) or seko (object) or sapient (object) or royalmail (object) or roadie (object) or purolator (object) or nationex (object) or locate2u (object) or laposte (object) or hay_post (object) or geodis (object) or generic (object) or freightcom (object) or fedex_ws (object) or fedex (object) or eshipper (object) or easyship (object) or easypost (object) or dpdhl (object) or dpd (object) or dicom (object) or dhl_universal (object) or dhl_poland (object) or dhl_parcel_de (object) or dhl_express (object) or colissimo (object) or chronopost (object) or canpar (object) or canadapost (object) or bpost (object) or boxknight (object) or australiapost (object) or asendia_us (object) or aramex (object) or amazon_shipping (object) or allied_express_local (object) or allied_express (object) Carrier connection credentials. | |
capabilities | Array of strings or null The carrier enabled capabilities. |
object Default: {} Carrier connection custom config. | |
object Default: {} User metadata for the carrier. | |
active | boolean Default: true The active flag indicates whether the carrier account is active or not. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "active": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "carrier-connection",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "display_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "is_system": true,
- "active": true,
- "test_mode": true
Remove a carrier connection
Remove a carrier connection.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "carrier-connection",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "display_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "credentials": {
- "api_key": "string"
}, - "capabilities": [
- "string"
], - "config": { },
- "metadata": { },
- "is_system": true,
- "active": true,
- "test_mode": true
This is an object representing your Karrio shipping address. You can retrieve all addresses related to your Karrio account. Address objects are linked to your shipment history, and can be used for recurring shipping to / from the same locations.
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Create an address
Create a new address.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
postal_code | string or null <= 10 characters The address postal code (required for shipment purchase) |
city | string or null <= 30 characters The address city. (required for shipment purchase) |
federal_tax_id | string or null <= 20 characters The party frederal tax id |
state_tax_id | string or null <= 20 characters The party state id |
person_name | string or null <= 50 characters Attention to (required for shipment purchase) |
company_name | string or null <= 50 characters The company name if the party is a company |
country_code required | string Enum: "AC" "AD" "AE" "AF" "AG" "AI" "AL" "AM" "AN" "AO" "AR" "AS" "AT" "AU" "AW" "AZ" "BA" "BB" "BD" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BM" "BN" "BO" "BR" "BS" "BT" "BW" "BY" "BZ" "CA" "CD" "CF" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CK" "CL" "CM" "CN" "CO" "CR" "CU" "CV" "CY" "CZ" "DE" "DJ" "DK" "DM" "DO" "DZ" "EC" "EE" "EG" "ER" "ES" "ET" "FI" "FJ" "FK" "FM" "FO" "FR" "GA" "GB" "GD" "GE" "GF" "GG" "GH" "GI" "GL" "GM" "GN" "GP" "GQ" "GR" "GT" "GU" "GW" "GY" "HK" "HN" "HR" "HT" "HU" "IC" "ID" "IE" "IL" "IN" "IQ" "IR" "IS" "IT" "JE" "JM" "JO" "JP" "KE" "KG" "KH" "KI" "KM" "KN" "KP" "KR" "KV" "KW" "KY" "KZ" "LA" "LB" "LC" "LI" "LK" "LR" "LS" "LT" "LU" "LV" "LY" "MA" "MC" "MD" "ME" "MG" "MH" "MK" "ML" "MM" "MN" "MO" "MP" "MQ" "MR" "MS" "MT" "MU" "MV" "MW" "MX" "MY" "MZ" "NA" "NC" "NE" "NG" "NI" "NL" "NO" "NP" "NR" "NU" "NZ" "OM" "PA" "PE" "PF" "PG" "PH" "PK" "PL" "PR" "PT" "PW" "PY" "QA" "RE" "RO" "RS" "RU" "RW" "SA" "SB" "SC" "SD" "SE" "SG" "SH" "SI" "SK" "SL" "SM" "SN" "SO" "SR" "SS" "ST" "SV" "SY" "SZ" "TC" "TD" "TG" "TH" "TJ" "TL" "TN" "TO" "TR" "TT" "TV" "TW" "TZ" "UA" "UG" "US" "UY" "UZ" "VA" "VC" "VE" "VG" "VI" "VN" "VU" "WS" "XB" "XC" "XE" "XM" "XN" "XS" "XY" "YE" "YT" "ZA" "ZM" "ZW" "EH" "IM" "BL" "MF" "SX" The address country code |
string or null The party email | |
phone_number | string or null <= 20 characters The party phone number. |
state_code | string or null <= 20 characters The address state code |
residential | boolean or null Default: false Indicate if the address is residential or commercial (enterprise) |
street_number | string or null <= 20 characters The address street number |
address_line1 | string or null <= 50 characters The address line with street number |
address_line2 | string or null <= 50 characters The address line with suite number |
validate_location | boolean or null Default: false Indicate if the address should be validated |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve an address
Retrieve an address.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Update an address
update an address.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
postal_code | string or null <= 10 characters The address postal code (required for shipment purchase) |
city | string or null <= 30 characters The address city. (required for shipment purchase) |
federal_tax_id | string or null <= 20 characters The party frederal tax id |
state_tax_id | string or null <= 20 characters The party state id |
person_name | string or null <= 50 characters Attention to (required for shipment purchase) |
company_name | string or null <= 50 characters The company name if the party is a company |
country_code | string Enum: "AC" "AD" "AE" "AF" "AG" "AI" "AL" "AM" "AN" "AO" "AR" "AS" "AT" "AU" "AW" "AZ" "BA" "BB" "BD" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BM" "BN" "BO" "BR" "BS" "BT" "BW" "BY" "BZ" "CA" "CD" "CF" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CK" "CL" "CM" "CN" "CO" "CR" "CU" "CV" "CY" "CZ" "DE" "DJ" "DK" "DM" "DO" "DZ" "EC" "EE" "EG" "ER" "ES" "ET" "FI" "FJ" "FK" "FM" "FO" "FR" "GA" "GB" "GD" "GE" "GF" "GG" "GH" "GI" "GL" "GM" "GN" "GP" "GQ" "GR" "GT" "GU" "GW" "GY" "HK" "HN" "HR" "HT" "HU" "IC" "ID" "IE" "IL" "IN" "IQ" "IR" "IS" "IT" "JE" "JM" "JO" "JP" "KE" "KG" "KH" "KI" "KM" "KN" "KP" "KR" "KV" "KW" "KY" "KZ" "LA" "LB" "LC" "LI" "LK" "LR" "LS" "LT" "LU" "LV" "LY" "MA" "MC" "MD" "ME" "MG" "MH" "MK" "ML" "MM" "MN" "MO" "MP" "MQ" "MR" "MS" "MT" "MU" "MV" "MW" "MX" "MY" "MZ" "NA" "NC" "NE" "NG" "NI" "NL" "NO" "NP" "NR" "NU" "NZ" "OM" "PA" "PE" "PF" "PG" "PH" "PK" "PL" "PR" "PT" "PW" "PY" "QA" "RE" "RO" "RS" "RU" "RW" "SA" "SB" "SC" "SD" "SE" "SG" "SH" "SI" "SK" "SL" "SM" "SN" "SO" "SR" "SS" "ST" "SV" "SY" "SZ" "TC" "TD" "TG" "TH" "TJ" "TL" "TN" "TO" "TR" "TT" "TV" "TW" "TZ" "UA" "UG" "US" "UY" "UZ" "VA" "VC" "VE" "VG" "VI" "VN" "VU" "WS" "XB" "XC" "XE" "XM" "XN" "XS" "XY" "YE" "YT" "ZA" "ZM" "ZW" "EH" "IM" "BL" "MF" "SX" The address country code |
string or null The party email | |
phone_number | string or null <= 20 characters The party phone number. |
state_code | string or null <= 20 characters The address state code |
residential | boolean or null Default: false Indicate if the address is residential or commercial (enterprise) |
street_number | string or null <= 20 characters The address street number |
address_line1 | string or null <= 50 characters The address line with street number |
address_line2 | string or null <= 50 characters The address line with suite number |
validate_location | boolean or null Default: false Indicate if the address should be validated |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Discard an address
Discard an address.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
This is an object representing your Karrio shipping parcel. Parcel objects are linked to your shipment history, and can be used for recurring shipping using the same packaging.
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
Create a parcel
Create a new parcel.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
weight required | number <double> The parcel's weight |
width | number or null <double> The parcel's width |
height | number or null <double> The parcel's height |
length | number or null <double> The parcel's length |
packaging_type | string or null <= 50 characters The parcel's packaging type. |
package_preset | string or null <= 50 characters The parcel's package preset. |
description | string or null <= 250 characters The parcel's description |
content | string or null <= 100 characters The parcel's content description |
is_document | boolean or null Default: false Indicates if the parcel is composed of documents only |
weight_unit required | string Enum: "KG" "LB" "OZ" "G" The parcel's weight unit |
dimension_unit | string or null Enum: "CM" "IN" null The parcel's dimension unit |
Array of objects (CommodityData) The parcel items. | |
reference_number | string or null <= 100 characters The parcel reference number. |
freight_class | string or null <= 6 characters The parcel's freight class for pallet and freight shipments. |
object Default: {} Parcel specific options.
Request samples
- Payload
{- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
Retrieve a parcel
Retrieve a parcel.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
Update a parcel
modify an existing parcel's details.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
weight | number <double> The parcel's weight |
width | number or null <double> The parcel's width |
height | number or null <double> The parcel's height |
length | number or null <double> The parcel's length |
packaging_type | string or null <= 50 characters The parcel's packaging type. |
package_preset | string or null <= 50 characters The parcel's package preset. |
description | string or null <= 250 characters The parcel's description |
content | string or null <= 100 characters The parcel's content description |
is_document | boolean or null Default: false Indicates if the parcel is composed of documents only |
weight_unit | string Enum: "KG" "LB" "OZ" "G" The parcel's weight unit |
dimension_unit | string or null Enum: "CM" "IN" null The parcel's dimension unit |
Array of objects (CommodityData) The parcel items. | |
reference_number | string or null <= 100 characters The parcel reference number. |
freight_class | string or null <= 6 characters The parcel's freight class for pallet and freight shipments. |
object Default: {} Parcel specific options.
Request samples
- Payload
{- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
Remove a parcel
Remove a parcel.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
This is an object representing your Karrio shipment. A Shipment guides you through process of preparing and purchasing a label for an order. A Shipment transitions through multiple statuses throughout its lifetime as the package shipped makes its journey to it's destination.
List all shipments
Retrieve all shipments.
query Parameters
address | string |
carrier_name | string The unique carrier slug. |
created_after | string <date-time> |
created_before | string <date-time> |
has_manifest | boolean |
has_tracker | boolean |
id | string |
keyword | string |
meta_key | string |
meta_value | string |
metadata_key | string |
metadata_value | string |
option_key | string |
option_value | string |
reference | string |
service | string |
status | string Valid shipment status. |
tracking_number | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "recipient": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "id": "string",
- "commodities": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true,
Create a shipment
Create a new shipment instance.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object The address of the party. |
required | object The address of the party. |
object or null The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. | |
object or null The payor address. | |
required | Array of objects (ParcelData) The shipment's parcels |
object Default: {} The options available for the shipment.
| |
object Default: {"paid_by":"sender","currency":null,"account_number":null} The payment details | |
object or null The customs details. | |
reference | string or null <= 35 characters The shipment reference |
label_type | string Default: "PDF" Enum: "PDF" "ZPL" "PNG" The shipment label file type. |
service | string Specify a service to Buy a label in one call without rating. |
services | Array of strings or null Default: [] The requested carrier service for the shipment. |
carrier_ids | Array of strings or null Default: [] The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from. |
object Default: {} User metadata for the shipment |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "recipient": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "shipper": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
], - "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "commodities": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { }
}, - "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "service": "string",
- "services": [ ],
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- "id": "string",
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Retrieve a shipment
Retrieve a shipment.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
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Update a shipment
This operation allows for updating properties of a shipment including label_type
, reference
, payment
, options
and metadata
It is not for editing the parcels of a shipment.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
label_type | string Default: "PDF" Enum: "PDF" "ZPL" "PNG" The shipment label file type. |
object The payment details | |
object Default: {} The options available for the shipment.
| |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
object User metadata for the shipment |
Request samples
- Payload
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- "metadata": {
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- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 424
- 500
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Cancel a shipment
Void a shipment with the associated label.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 424
- 500
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- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true,
Buy a shipment label
Select your preferred rates to buy a shipment label.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
selected_rate_id required | string The shipment selected rate. |
label_type | string Default: "PDF" Enum: "PDF" "ZPL" "PNG" The shipment label file type. |
object The payment details | |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
object User metadata for the shipment |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "reference": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "recipient": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "id": "string",
- "commodities": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true,
Fetch new shipment rates
Refresh the list of the shipment rates
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
services | Array of strings or null The requested carrier service for the shipment. |
carrier_ids | Array of strings or null The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from. |
object Default: {} The options available for the shipment.
| |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
object User metadata for the shipment |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "services": [
- "string"
], - "carrier_ids": [
- "string"
], - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "recipient": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
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- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
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- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "id": "string",
- "commodities": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true,
This is an object representing your Karrio document upload record. A Document upload record keep traces of shipping trade documents uploaded to carriers to fast track customs and border processing.
Generate a document
Generate any document. This API is designed to be used to generate GS1 labels, invoices and any document that requires external data.
Request Body schema: application/json
template_id | string The template name. Required if template is not provided. |
template | string The template content. Required if template_id is not provided. |
doc_format | string The format of the document |
doc_name | string The file name |
object Default: {} The template data |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "template_id": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "doc_format": "string",
- "doc_name": "string",
- "data": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "template_id": "string",
- "doc_format": "string",
- "doc_name": "string",
- "doc_file": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment",
- "object_type": "document-template"
Create a template
Create a new template.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string <= 255 characters The template name |
slug required | string <= 255 characters The template slug |
template required | string The template content |
active | boolean Default: true disable template flag. |
description | string <= 255 characters The template description |
object The template metadata | |
related_object | string Default: "other" Enum: "shipment" "order" "other" The template related object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment",
- "object_type": "document-template"
Retrieve a template
Retrieve a template.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment",
- "object_type": "document-template"
Update a template
update a template.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
name | string <= 255 characters The template name |
slug | string <= 255 characters The template slug |
template | string The template content |
active | boolean Default: true disable template flag. |
description | string <= 255 characters The template description |
object The template metadata | |
related_object | string Default: "other" Enum: "shipment" "order" "other" The template related object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment",
- "object_type": "document-template"
Delete a template
Delete a template.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "template": "string",
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "related_object": "shipment",
- "object_type": "document-template"
List all upload records
Retrieve all shipping document upload records.
query Parameters
created_after | string <date-time> |
created_before | string <date-time> |
shipment_id | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "documents": [ ],
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "reference": "string",
- "messages": [ ]
Upload documents
Upload a shipping document.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
shipment_id required | string The documents related shipment. |
required | Array of objects (DocumentFileData) Shipping document files |
reference | string or null <= 50 characters Shipping document file reference |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipment_id": "string",
- "document_files": [
- {
- "doc_file": "string",
- "doc_name": "string",
- "doc_format": "string",
- "doc_type": "other"
], - "reference": "string"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "documents": [ ],
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "reference": "string",
- "messages": [ ]
Retrieve upload record
Retrieve a shipping document upload record.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "documents": [ ],
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "reference": "string",
- "messages": [ ]
This is an object representing your Karrio manifest details. Some carriers require manifests to be created after labels are generated. A manifest is a summary of all the shipments that are being sent out.
List manifests
Retrieve all manifests.
query Parameters
carrier_name | string The unique carrier slug. |
created_after | string <date-time> |
created_before | string <date-time> |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "manifest",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "shipment_identifiers": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ]
Create a manifest
Create a manifest for one or many shipments with labels already purchased.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
carrier_name required | string The manifest's carrier |
required | object The address of the warehouse or location where the shipments originate. |
object Default: {} The options available for the manifest.
| |
reference | string or null The manifest reference |
shipment_ids required | Array of strings The list of existing shipment object ids with label purchased. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "carrier_name": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "shipment_ids": [
- "string"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "manifest",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "shipment_identifiers": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ]
Retrieve a manifest
Retrieve a shipping manifest.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "manifest",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true,
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "shipment_identifiers": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ]
This is an object representing your Karrio shipment tracker. A shipment tracker is an object attached to a shipment by it's tracking number. The tracker provide the latest tracking status and events associated with a shipment
List all package trackers
Retrieve all shipment trackers.
query Parameters
carrier_name | string The unique carrier slug. |
created_after | string <date-time> |
created_before | string <date-time> |
status | string Valid tracker status. |
tracking_number | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
Add a package tracker
This API creates or retrieves (if existent) a tracking status object containing the details and events of a shipping in progress.
query Parameters
hub | string |
pending_pickup | boolean Add this flag to add the tracker whether the tracking info exist or not.When the package is eventually picked up, the tracker with capture real time updates. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
tracking_number required | string The package tracking number |
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" The tracking carrier |
account_number | string or null The shipper account number |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
object or null The package and shipment tracking details | |
object Default: {} The carrier user metadata. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "tracking_number": "string",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "account_number": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": "string",
- "customer_name": "string",
- "expected_delivery": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_id": "string",
- "package_weight": "string",
- "package_weight_unit": "string",
- "shipment_package_count": "string",
- "shipment_pickup_date": "string",
- "shipment_delivery_date": "string",
- "shipment_service": "string",
- "shipment_origin_country": "string",
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": "string",
- "shipment_destination_country": "string",
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": "string",
- "shipping_date": "string",
- "signed_by": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
Create a package tracker Deprecated
This API creates or retrieves (if existent) a tracking status object containing the details and events of a shipping in progress.
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string |
tracking_number required | string |
query Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
hub | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
Retrieves a package tracker
Retrieve a package tracker
path Parameters
id_or_tracking_number required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
Update tracker data
Mixin to log requests
path Parameters
id_or_tracking_number required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
object or null The package and shipment tracking details | |
object User metadata for the tracker |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": "string",
- "customer_name": "string",
- "expected_delivery": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_id": "string",
- "package_weight": "string",
- "package_weight_unit": "string",
- "shipment_package_count": "string",
- "shipment_pickup_date": "string",
- "shipment_delivery_date": "string",
- "shipment_service": "string",
- "shipment_origin_country": "string",
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": "string",
- "shipment_destination_country": "string",
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": "string",
- "shipping_date": "string",
- "signed_by": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
Discard a package tracker
Discard a package tracker.
path Parameters
id_or_tracking_number required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
This is an object representing your Karrio pickup booking. You can retrieve all pickup booked historically for your Karrio account shipments.
List shipment pickups
Retrieve all scheduled pickups.
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Schedule a pickup
Schedule a pickup for one or many shipments with labels already purchased.
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
pickup_date required | string The expected pickup date. |
object The pickup address | |
ready_time required | string The ready time for pickup. |
closing_time required | string The closing or late time of the pickup. |
instruction | string or null <= 50 characters The pickup instruction. |
package_location | string or null <= 50 characters The package(s) location. |
object or null Advanced carrier specific pickup options | |
tracking_numbers required | Array of strings The list of shipments to be picked up |
object Default: {} User metadata for the pickup |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tracking_numbers": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Retrieve a pickup
Retrieve a scheduled pickup.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Update a pickup
Modify a pickup for one or many shipments with labels already purchased.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
pickup_date | string The expected pickup date. |
object The pickup address | |
ready_time | string or null The ready time for pickup. |
closing_time | string or null The closing or late time of the pickup |
instruction | string or null The pickup instruction. |
package_location | string or null The package(s) location. |
object or null Advanced carrier specific pickup options | |
tracking_numbers | Array of strings The list of shipments to be picked up |
object Default: {} User metadata for the pickup | |
confirmation_number required | string pickup identification number |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tracking_numbers": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": { },
- "confirmation_number": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Cancel a pickup
Cancel a pickup of one or more shipments.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
reason | string The reason of the pickup cancellation |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "reason": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
In some scenarios, all we need is to send request to a carrier using the Karrio unified API.
The Proxy API comes handy for that as it turn Karrio into a simple middleware that converts and
validate your request and simply forward it to the shipping carrier server.
When using the proxy API, no objects are created in the Karrio system.
excpet API logs and tracing records for debugging purposes.
Create a manifest
Some carriers require shipment manifests to be created for pickups and dropoff. Creating a manifest for a shipment also kicks off billing as a commitment or confirmation of the shipment.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
carrier_name required | string The manifest's carrier |
required | object The address of the warehouse or location where the shipments originate. |
object Default: {} The options available for the manifest.
| |
reference | string or null The manifest reference |
shipment_identifiers required | Array of strings The list of shipment identifiers you want to add to your manifest. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "carrier_name": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "shipment_identifiers": [
- "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "manifest": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "manifest",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "doc": {
- "manifest": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Schedule a pickup
Schedule one or many parcels pickup
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
pickup_date required | string The expected pickup date. |
required | object The pickup address |
required | Array of objects (ParcelData) The shipment parcels to pickup. |
ready_time required | string The ready time for pickup. |
closing_time required | string The closing or late time of the pickup. |
instruction | string or null <= 50 characters The pickup instruction. |
package_location | string or null <= 50 characters The package(s) location. |
object or null Advanced carrier specific pickup options |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
], - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "pickup": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Cancel a pickup
Cancel a pickup previously scheduled
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
confirmation_number required | string The pickup confirmation identifier |
object The pickup address | |
pickup_date | string or null The pickup date. |
reason | string The reason of the pickup cancellation |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "pickup_date": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "confirmation": {
- "operation": "string",
- "success": true,
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
Update a pickup
Modify a scheduled pickup
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
pickup_date required | string The expected pickup date. |
required | object The pickup address |
required | Array of objects (Parcel) The shipment parcels to pickup. |
confirmation_number required | string pickup identification number |
ready_time required | string The ready time for pickup.
Time Format: |
closing_time required | string The closing or late time of the pickup. |
instruction | string or null <= 50 characters The pickup instruction. |
package_location | string or null <= 50 characters The package(s) location. |
object or null Advanced carrier specific pickup options |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "string",
- "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "confirmation_number": "string",
- "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "pickup": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "pickup",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "confirmation_number": "string",
- "pickup_date": "string",
- "pickup_charge": {
- "name": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "ready_time": "string",
- "closing_time": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "instruction": "string",
- "package_location": "string",
- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Fetch shipment rates
The Shipping process begins by fetching rates for your shipment. Use this service to fetch a shipping rates available.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object The address of the party |
required | object The address of the party |
required | Array of objects (ParcelData) The shipment's parcels |
services | Array of strings or null Default: [] The requested carrier service for the shipment. |
object Default: {} The options available for the shipment.
| |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
carrier_ids | Array of strings or null Default: [] The list of configured carriers you wish to get rates from. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipper": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "recipient": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "reference": "string",
- "carrier_ids": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "rates": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Buy a shipment label
Once the shipping rates are retrieved, provide the required info to submit the shipment by specifying your preferred rate.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object The address of the party. |
required | object The address of the party. |
object or null The return address for this shipment. Defaults to the shipper address. | |
object or null The payor address. | |
required | Array of objects (ParcelData) The shipment's parcels |
object Default: {} The options available for the shipment.
| |
object Default: {"paid_by":"sender","currency":null,"account_number":null} The payment details | |
object or null The customs details. | |
reference | string or null <= 35 characters The shipment reference |
label_type | string Default: "PDF" Enum: "PDF" "ZPL" "PNG" The shipment label file type. |
selected_rate_id required | string The shipment selected rate. |
required | Array of objects (Rate) The list for shipment rates fetched previously |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "recipient": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "shipper": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
], - "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "commodities": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { }
}, - "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "rates": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "recipient": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
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- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
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- "value_amount": 0.1,
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- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "id": "string",
- "commodities": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
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- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
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- "city": "string",
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- "phone_number": "string",
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- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "docs": {
- "label": "string",
- "invoice": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true
Void a shipment label
Cancel a shipment and the label previously created
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "easypost" "easyship" "eshipper" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "freightcom" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "sapient" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
shipment_identifier required | string The shipment identifier returned during creation. |
service | string or null The selected shipment service |
carrier_id | string The shipment carrier_id for specific connection selection. |
object Default: {} Advanced carrier specific cancellation options. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "options": { }
Response samples
- 202
- 400
- 424
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "confirmation": {
- "operation": "string",
- "success": true,
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
Get tracking details
You can track a shipment by specifying the carrier and the shipment tracking number.
query Parameters
hub | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
tracking_number required | string The package tracking number |
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" The tracking carrier |
account_number | string or null The shipper account number |
reference | string or null The shipment reference |
object or null The package and shipment tracking details | |
object Default: {} The carrier user metadata. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "tracking_number": "string",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "account_number": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": "string",
- "customer_name": "string",
- "expected_delivery": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_id": "string",
- "package_weight": "string",
- "package_weight_unit": "string",
- "shipment_package_count": "string",
- "shipment_pickup_date": "string",
- "shipment_delivery_date": "string",
- "shipment_service": "string",
- "shipment_origin_country": "string",
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": "string",
- "shipment_destination_country": "string",
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": "string",
- "shipping_date": "string",
- "signed_by": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- "carrier_id": "string"
], - "tracking": {
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- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
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- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
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- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "images": {
- "delivery_image": "string",
- "signature_image": "string"
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ]
Track a shipment Deprecated
You can track a shipment by specifying the carrier and the shipment tracking number.
path Parameters
carrier_name required | string Enum: "allied_express" "allied_express_local" "amazon_shipping" "aramex" "asendia_us" "australiapost" "boxknight" "bpost" "canadapost" "canpar" "chronopost" "colissimo" "dhl_express" "dhl_parcel_de" "dhl_poland" "dhl_universal" "dicom" "dpd" "dpdhl" "fedex" "fedex_ws" "generic" "geodis" "hay_post" "laposte" "locate2u" "nationex" "purolator" "roadie" "royalmail" "seko" "sendle" "tge" "tnt" "ups" "usps" "usps_international" "usps_wt" "usps_wt_international" "zoom2u" |
tracking_number required | string |
query Parameters
hub | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 424
- 500
{- "messages": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "details": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string"
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- "id": "string",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": null,
- "customer_name": null,
- "expected_delivery": null,
- "note": null,
- "order_date": null,
- "order_id": null,
- "package_weight": null,
- "package_weight_unit": null,
- "shipment_package_count": null,
- "shipment_pickup_date": null,
- "shipment_delivery_date": null,
- "shipment_service": null,
- "shipment_origin_country": null,
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": null,
- "shipment_destination_country": null,
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": null,
- "shipping_date": null,
- "signed_by": null,
- "source": null
}, - "events": [
- {
- "date": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "latitude": 0.1,
- "longitude": 0.1
], - "delivered": true,
- "test_mode": true,
- "status": "pending",
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "images": {
- "delivery_image": "string",
- "signature_image": "string"
}, - "object_type": "tracker",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ]
This is an object representing your Karrio order. You can create Karrio orders to organize your shipments and ship line items separately.
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "order",
- "order_id": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
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- "id": "string",
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- "city": "string",
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- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
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- "street_number": "string",
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- "validation": {
- "success": true,
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- "property2": null
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- "description": "string",
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- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- "unfulfilled_quantity": 0
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- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- "id": "string",
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Create an order
Create a new order object.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
order_id required | string The source' order id. |
order_date | string or null The order date. format: |
source | string Default: "API" The order's source. |
required | object The customer or recipient address for the order. |
object or null The origin or warehouse address of the order items. | |
object or null The customer' or shipping billing address. | |
required | Array of objects (CommodityData) The order line items. |
object or null The options available for the order shipments.
| |
object Default: {} User metadata for the order. |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 500
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Retrieve an order
Retrieve an order.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
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Update an order
This operation allows for updating properties of an order including options
and metadata
It is not for editing the line items of an order.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
object or null The options available for the order shipments.
| |
object User metadata for the shipment |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 500
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Dismiss an order Deprecated
Dismiss an order from fulfillment.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
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Cancel an order
Cancel an order.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 409
- 500
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- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "line_items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity",
- "unfulfilled_quantity": 0
], - "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "metadata": { },
- "shipments": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "shipment",
- "shipper": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "recipient": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "parcel"
], - "services": [ ],
- "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "id": "string",
- "commodities": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "object_type": "commodity"
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "id": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false,
- "object_type": "address",
- "validation": {
- "success": true,
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { },
- "object_type": "customs_info"
}, - "rates": [ ],
- "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "tracker_id": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "messages": [ ],
- "status": "draft",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "shipment_identifier": "string",
- "selected_rate": {
- "id": "string",
- "object_type": "rate",
- "carrier_name": "string",
- "carrier_id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "total_charge": 0,
- "transit_days": 0,
- "extra_charges": [ ],
- "estimated_delivery": "string",
- "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "test_mode": true
}, - "meta": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "service": "string",
- "selected_rate_id": "string",
- "test_mode": true,
], - "test_mode": true,
- "created_at": "string"
This is an object representing your Karrio webhook. You can configure webhook endpoints via the API to be notified about events happen in your Karrio account.
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true,
- "object_type": "webhook",
- "last_event_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "secret": "string",
- "test_mode": true
Create a webhook
Create a new webhook.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
url required | string <uri> The URL of the webhook endpoint. |
description | string or null An optional description of what the webhook is used for. |
enabled_events required | Array of strings Items Enum: "all" "shipment_purchased" "shipment_cancelled" "shipment_fulfilled" "shipment_out_for_delivery" "shipment_needs_attention" "shipment_delivery_failed" "tracker_created" "tracker_updated" "order_created" "order_updated" "order_fulfilled" "order_cancelled" "order_delivered" "batch_queued" "batch_failed" "batch_running" "batch_completed" The list of events to enable for this endpoint. |
disabled | boolean or null Indicates that the webhook is disabled |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true,
- "object_type": "webhook",
- "last_event_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "secret": "string",
- "test_mode": true
Retrieve a webhook
Retrieve a webhook.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 201
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true,
- "object_type": "webhook",
- "last_event_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "secret": "string",
- "test_mode": true
Update a webhook
update a webhook.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
url | string <uri> The URL of the webhook endpoint. |
description | string or null An optional description of what the webhook is used for. |
enabled_events | Array of strings Items Enum: "all" "shipment_purchased" "shipment_cancelled" "shipment_fulfilled" "shipment_out_for_delivery" "shipment_needs_attention" "shipment_delivery_failed" "tracker_created" "tracker_updated" "order_created" "order_updated" "order_fulfilled" "order_cancelled" "order_delivered" "batch_queued" "batch_failed" "batch_running" "batch_completed" The list of events to enable for this endpoint. |
disabled | boolean or null Indicates that the webhook is disabled |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "enabled_events": [
- "all"
], - "disabled": true,
- "object_type": "webhook",
- "last_event_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "secret": "string",
- "test_mode": true
Test a webhook
test a webhook.
path Parameters
id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object | ||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "payload": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "operation": "string",
- "success": true
This is an object representing your Karrio batch operation. You can retrieve all batch operations historically for your Karrio account.
Import data files
Import csv, xls and xlsx data files for: Beta
- trackers data
- orders data
- shipments data
- billing data (soon)
This operation will return a batch operation that you can poll to follow the import progression.
query Parameters
data_file | string <binary> |
data_template | string A data template slug to use for the import. |
resource_type | string Enum: "billing" "order" "shipment" "trackers" The type of the resource to import |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
resource_type | string |
data_template | string |
data_file | string <binary> |
Response samples
- 202
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
List all batch operations
Retrieve all batch operations. Beta
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "count": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
Retrieve a batch operation
Retrieve a batch operation. Beta
path Parameters
id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
Create order batch
Create order batch. Beta
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Array of objects (OrderData) The list of orders to process. | ||||||||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "orders": [
- {
- "order_id": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "source": "API",
- "shipping_to": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "shipping_from": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "line_items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "options": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
Create shipment batch
Create shipment batch. Beta
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Array of objects (ShipmentDataReference) The list of shipments to process. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipments": [
- {
- "recipient": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "shipper": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "return_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "parcels": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "width": 0.1,
- "height": 0.1,
- "length": 0.1,
- "packaging_type": "string",
- "package_preset": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "is_document": false,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "dimension_unit": "CM",
- "items": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "reference_number": "string",
- "freight_class": "string",
- "options": { }
], - "options": { },
- "payment": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": null,
- "account_number": null
}, - "customs": {
- "commodities": [
- {
- "weight": 0.1,
- "weight_unit": "KG",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "quantity": 1,
- "sku": "string",
- "hs_code": "string",
- "value_amount": 0.1,
- "value_currency": "EUR",
- "origin_country": "AC",
- "parent_id": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "duty": {
- "paid_by": "sender",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "declared_value": 0.1,
- "account_number": "string"
}, - "duty_billing_address": {
- "postal_code": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "federal_tax_id": "string",
- "state_tax_id": "string",
- "person_name": "string",
- "company_name": "string",
- "country_code": "AC",
- "email": "string",
- "phone_number": "string",
- "state_code": "string",
- "residential": false,
- "street_number": "string",
- "address_line1": "string",
- "address_line2": "string",
- "validate_location": false
}, - "content_type": "documents",
- "content_description": "string",
- "incoterm": "CFR",
- "invoice": "string",
- "invoice_date": "string",
- "commercial_invoice": true,
- "certify": true,
- "signer": "string",
- "options": { }
}, - "reference": "string",
- "label_type": "PDF",
- "service": "string",
- "services": [ ],
- "carrier_ids": [ ],
- "metadata": { },
- "id": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
Create tracker batch
Create tracker batch. Beta
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | Array of objects (TrackingData) The list of tracking info to process. | ||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "trackers": [
- {
- "tracking_number": "string",
- "carrier_name": "allied_express",
- "account_number": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "info": {
- "carrier_tracking_link": "string",
- "customer_name": "string",
- "expected_delivery": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_id": "string",
- "package_weight": "string",
- "package_weight_unit": "string",
- "shipment_package_count": "string",
- "shipment_pickup_date": "string",
- "shipment_delivery_date": "string",
- "shipment_service": "string",
- "shipment_origin_country": "string",
- "shipment_origin_postal_code": "string",
- "shipment_destination_country": "string",
- "shipment_destination_postal_code": "string",
- "shipping_date": "string",
- "signed_by": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "resource_type": "orders",
- "resources": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "status": "queued",
- "errors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "test_mode": true
Carrier Name | Display Name |
zoom2u | Zoom2u |
usps_wt_international | USPS Web Tools International |
usps_wt | USPS Web Tools |
usps_international | USPS International |
usps | USPS |
ups | UPS |
tnt | TNT |
tge | TGE |
sendle | Sendle |
seko | SEKO Logistics |
sapient | SAPIENT |
royalmail | Royal Mail |
roadie | Roadie |
purolator | Purolator |
nationex | Nationex |
locate2u | Locate2u |
laposte | La Poste |
hay_post | HayPost |
geodis | GEODIS |
freightcom | Freightcom |
fedex_ws | FedEx Web Service |
fedex | FedEx |
eshipper | eShipper |
easyship | Easyship |
easypost | EasyPost |
dpdhl | Deutsche Post DHL |
dpd | DPD |
dicom | Dicom |
dhl_universal | DHL Universal |
dhl_poland | DHL Parcel Poland |
dhl_parcel_de | DHL Parcel DE |
dhl_express | DHL Express |
colissimo | Colissimo |
chronopost | Chronopost |
canpar | Canpar |
canadapost | Canada Post |
bpost | Belgian Post |
boxknight | BoxKnight |
australiapost | Australia Post |
asendia_us | Asendia US |
aramex | Aramex |
amazon_shipping | AmazonShipping |
allied_express_local | Allied Express Local |
allied_express | Allied Express |
The following service level codes can be used to reference specific rates when purchasing shipping labels using single call label creation. You can also find all of the possible service levels for each of your carrier accounts by using this endpoint.
Code | Service Name |
zoom2u_VIP | VIP |
zoom2u_3_hour | 3 hour |
zoom2u_same_day | Same day |
USPS Web Tools International
Code | Service Name |
usps_first_class | First Class |
usps_first_class_commercial | First Class Commercial |
usps_first_class_hfp_commercial | First Class HFPCommercial |
usps_priority | Priority |
usps_priority_commercial | Priority Commercial |
usps_priority_cpp | Priority Cpp |
usps_priority_hfp_commercial | Priority HFP Commercial |
usps_priority_hfp_cpp | Priority HFP CPP |
usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express |
usps_priority_mail_express_commercial | Priority Mail Express Commercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_cpp | Priority Mail Express CPP |
usps_priority_mail_express_sh | Priority Mail Express Sh |
usps_priority_mail_express_sh_commercial | Priority Mail Express ShCommercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp | Priority Mail Express HFP |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_commercial | Priority Mail Express HFP Commercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_cpp | Priority Mail Express HFP CPP |
usps_priority_mail_cubic | Priority Mail Cubic |
usps_retail_ground | Retail Ground |
usps_media | Media |
usps_library | Library |
usps_all | All |
usps_online | Online |
usps_plus | Plus |
usps_bpm | BPM |
USPS Web Tools
Code | Service Name |
usps_first_class | First Class |
usps_first_class_commercial | First Class Commercial |
usps_first_class_hfp_commercial | First Class HFPCommercial |
usps_priority | Priority |
usps_priority_commercial | Priority Commercial |
usps_priority_cpp | Priority Cpp |
usps_priority_hfp_commercial | Priority HFP Commercial |
usps_priority_hfp_cpp | Priority HFP CPP |
usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express |
usps_priority_mail_express_commercial | Priority Mail Express Commercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_cpp | Priority Mail Express CPP |
usps_priority_mail_express_sh | Priority Mail Express Sh |
usps_priority_mail_express_sh_commercial | Priority Mail Express ShCommercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp | Priority Mail Express HFP |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_commercial | Priority Mail Express HFP Commercial |
usps_priority_mail_express_hfp_cpp | Priority Mail Express HFP CPP |
usps_priority_mail_cubic | Priority Mail Cubic |
usps_retail_ground | Retail Ground |
usps_media | Media |
usps_library | Library |
usps_all | All |
usps_online | Online |
usps_plus | Plus |
usps_bpm | BPM |
usps_ground_advantage | Ground Advantage |
usps_ground_advantage_commercial | Ground Advantage Commercial |
usps_ground_advantage_hfp | Ground Advantage HFP |
usps_ground_advantage_hfp_commercial | Ground Advantage HFP Commercial |
usps_ground_advantage_cubic | Ground Advantage Cubic |
USPS International
Code | Service Name |
usps_standard_service | USPS Standard Service |
usps_parcel_select | PARCEL_SELECT |
usps_parcel_select_lightweight | PARCEL_SELECT_LIGHTWEIGHT |
usps_priority_mail_express | PRIORITY_MAIL_EXPRESS |
usps_priority_mail | PRIORITY_MAIL |
usps_first_class_package_service | FIRST-CLASS_PACKAGE_SERVICE |
usps_library_mail | LIBRARY_MAIL |
usps_media_mail | MEDIA_MAIL |
usps_bound_printed_matter | BOUND_PRINTED_MATTER |
usps_connect_local | USPS_CONNECT_LOCAL |
usps_connect_mail | USPS_CONNECT_MAIL |
usps_connect_next_day | USPS_CONNECT_NEXT_DAY |
usps_connect_regional | USPS_CONNECT_REGIONAL |
usps_connect_same_day | USPS_CONNECT_SAME_DAY |
usps_ground_advantage | USPS_GROUND_ADVANTAGE |
usps_retail_ground | USPS_RETAIL_GROUND |
usps_all | ALL |
Code | Service Name |
usps_standard_service | USPS Standard Service |
usps_parcel_select | PARCEL_SELECT |
usps_parcel_select_lightweight | PARCEL_SELECT_LIGHTWEIGHT |
usps_priority_mail_express | PRIORITY_MAIL_EXPRESS |
usps_priority_mail | PRIORITY_MAIL |
usps_first_class_package_service | FIRST-CLASS_PACKAGE_SERVICE |
usps_library_mail | LIBRARY_MAIL |
usps_media_mail | MEDIA_MAIL |
usps_bound_printed_matter | BOUND_PRINTED_MATTER |
usps_connect_local | USPS_CONNECT_LOCAL |
usps_connect_mail | USPS_CONNECT_MAIL |
usps_connect_next_day | USPS_CONNECT_NEXT_DAY |
usps_connect_regional | USPS_CONNECT_REGIONAL |
usps_connect_same_day | USPS_CONNECT_SAME_DAY |
usps_ground_advantage | USPS_GROUND_ADVANTAGE |
usps_retail_ground | USPS_RETAIL_GROUND |
usps_all | ALL |
Code | Service Name |
ups_standard | UPS Standard |
ups_worldwide_express | UPS Worldwide Express |
ups_worldwide_expedited | UPS Worldwide Expedited |
ups_worldwide_express_plus | UPS Worldwide Express Plus |
ups_worldwide_saver | UPS Worldwide Saver |
ups_2nd_day_air | UPS 2nd Day Air |
ups_2nd_day_air_am | UPS 2nd Day Air A.M. |
ups_3_day_select | UPS 3 Day Select |
ups_ground | UPS Ground |
ups_next_day_air | UPS Next Day Air |
ups_next_day_air_early | UPS Next Day Air Early |
ups_next_day_air_saver | UPS Next Day Air Saver |
ups_expedited_ca | UPS Expedited CA |
ups_express_saver_ca | UPS Express Saver CA |
ups_3_day_select_ca_us | UPS 3 Day Select CA US |
ups_access_point_economy_ca | UPS Access Point Economy CA |
ups_express_ca | UPS Express CA |
ups_express_early_ca | UPS Express Early CA |
ups_express_saver_intl_ca | UPS Express Saver Intl CA |
ups_standard_ca | UPS Standard CA |
ups_worldwide_expedited_ca | UPS Worldwide Expedited CA |
ups_worldwide_express_ca | UPS Worldwide Express CA |
ups_worldwide_express_plus_ca | UPS Worldwide Express Plus CA |
ups_express_early_ca_us | UPS Express Early CA US |
ups_access_point_economy_eu | UPS Access Point Economy EU |
ups_expedited_eu | UPS Expedited EU |
ups_express_eu | UPS Express EU |
ups_standard_eu | UPS Standard EU |
ups_worldwide_express_plus_eu | UPS Worldwide Express Plus EU |
ups_worldwide_saver_eu | UPS Worldwide Saver EU |
ups_access_point_economy_mx | UPS Access Point Economy MX |
ups_expedited_mx | UPS Expedited MX |
ups_express_mx | UPS Express MX |
ups_standard_mx | UPS Standard MX |
ups_worldwide_express_plus_mx | UPS Worldwide Express Plus MX |
ups_worldwide_saver_mx | UPS Worldwide Saver MX |
ups_access_point_economy_pl | UPS Access Point Economy PL |
ups_today_dedicated_courrier_pl | UPS Today Dedicated Courrier PL |
ups_today_express_pl | UPS Today Express PL |
ups_today_express_saver_pl | UPS Today Express Saver PL |
ups_today_standard_pl | UPS Today Standard PL |
ups_expedited_pl | UPS Expedited PL |
ups_express_pl | UPS Express PL |
ups_express_plus_pl | UPS Express Plus PL |
ups_express_saver_pl | UPS Express Saver PL |
ups_standard_pl | UPS Standard PL |
ups_2nd_day_air_pr | UPS 2nd Day Air PR |
ups_ground_pr | UPS Ground PR |
ups_next_day_air_pr | UPS Next Day Air PR |
ups_next_day_air_early_pr | UPS Next Day Air Early PR |
ups_worldwide_expedited_pr | UPS Worldwide Expedited PR |
ups_worldwide_express_pr | UPS Worldwide Express PR |
ups_worldwide_express_plus_pr | UPS Worldwide Express Plus PR |
ups_worldwide_saver_pr | UPS Worldwide Saver PR |
ups_express_12_00_de | UPS Express 12:00 DE |
ups_worldwide_express_freight | UPS Worldwide Express Freight |
ups_worldwide_express_freight_midday | UPS Worldwide Express Freight Midday |
ups_worldwide_economy_ddu | UPS Worldwide Economy DDU |
ups_worldwide_economy_ddp | UPS Worldwide Economy DDP |
Code | Service Name |
tnt_special_express | 1N |
tnt_9_00_express | 09N |
tnt_10_00_express | 10N |
tnt_12_00_express | 12N |
tnt_express | EX |
tnt_economy_express | 48N |
tnt_global_express | 15N |
Code | Service Name |
tge_freight_service | X |
Code | Service Name |
sendle_standard_pickup | STANDARD-PICKUP |
sendle_standard_dropoff | STANDARD-DROPOFF |
sendle_express_pickup | EXPRESS-PICKUP |
SEKO Logistics
Code | Service Name |
seko_ecommerce_standard_tracked | eCommerce Standard Tracked |
seko_ecommerce_express_tracked | eCommerce Express Tracked |
seko_domestic_express | Domestic Express |
seko_domestic_standard | Domestic Standard |
seko_domestic_large_parcel | Domestic Large Parcel |
Code | Service Name |
sapient_royal_mail_hm_forces_mail | BF1 |
sapient_royal_mail_hm_forces_signed_for | BF2 |
sapient_royal_mail_hm_forces_special_delivery_500 | BF7 |
sapient_royal_mail_hm_forces_special_delivery_1000 | BF8 |
sapient_royal_mail_hm_forces_special_delivery_2500 | BF9 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_max_sort_residue_ll | BG1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_ll_max_sort_residue_standard | BG2 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_max_sort_residue_l | BP1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_l_max_sort_residue_standard | BP2 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_printed_matter_packet | BPI |
sapient_royal_mail_1st_class | BPL1 |
sapient_royal_mail_2nd_class | BPL2 |
sapient_royal_mail_1st_class_signed_for | BPR1 |
sapient_royal_mail_2nd_class_signed_for | BPR2 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_priority_country_priced_boxable | BXB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_tracked_country_priced_boxable_extra_comp | BXC |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_priority_country_priced_boxable_ddp | BXD |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_tracked_country_priced_boxable_ddp | BXE |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_tracked_country_priced_boxable | BXF |
sapient_royal_mail_24_standard_signed_for_parcel_daily_rate_service | CRL1 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_standard_signed_for_parcel_daily_rate_service | CRL2 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_zero_sort_priority | DE4 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_zero_sort_priority_DE | DE6 |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_standard_24_parcel | DEA |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_standard_24_parcel_DE | DEB |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_standard_24_ll | DEC |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_standard_48_ll | DED |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_tracked_signed_ll | DEE |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_max_sort_ll | DEG |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_tracked_parcel | DEI |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_tracked_signed_parcel | DEJ |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_tracked_high_vol_ll | DEK |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_max_sort_parcel | DEM |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_ll_country_priced_priority | DG4 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_l_priority_untracked | DP3 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_ll_country_sort_priority | DP6 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels | DW1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_zero_sort_priority_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETC |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_ll_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETD |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_signed_ll_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETE |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_ll_country_priced_priority_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETF |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange_e | ETG |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_extra_comp_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange_e | ETH |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange_c | ETI |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_extra_comp_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange_c | ETJ |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_l_priority_untracked_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETK |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_l_tracked_high_vol_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETL |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_l_tracked_signed_high_vol_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETM |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_signed_l_high_vol_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETN |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_ll_country_sort_priority_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETO |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_tracked_ll_high_vol_extra_comp_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETP |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_tracked_signed_ll_high_vol_extra_comp_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETQ |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_signed_ll_extra_compensation_country_priced_extra_territorial_office_of_exchange | ETR |
sapient_royal_mail_24_standard_signed_for_large_letter_flat_rate_service | FS1 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_standard_signed_for_large_letter_flat_rate_service | FS2 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_presorted_ll | FS7 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_presorted_ll | FS8 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg | HVB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_tracked_express_npc | HVD |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_extra_comp | HVE |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_c_prio | HVK |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_parcels_0_30kg_xcomp_c_prio | HVL |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_zone_sort_priority_service | IE1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_zone_sort_priority | IG1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_zone_sort_priority_machine | IG4 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_letters_zone_sort_priority | IP1 |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_returns_24 | ITA |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_returns_48 | ITB |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_24_letter_boxable_high_volume | ITC |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_48_letter_boxable_high_volume | ITD |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_48_letter_boxable | ITE |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_24_letter_boxable | ITF |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_48_high_volume | ITL |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_24_high_volume | ITM |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_24 | ITN |
sapient_royal_mail_de_import_to_eu_signed_parcel | ITR |
sapient_royal_mail_import_de_tracked_48 | ITS |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_print_direct_priority | MB1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_print_direct_standard | MB2 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_signed_extra_compensation_country_priced | MP0 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_zone_sort | MP1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_extra_comp_zone_sort | MP4 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_signed_zone_sort | MP5 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_signed_extra_compensation_zone_sort | MP6 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_country_priced | MP7 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_extra_comp_country_priced | MP8 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_signed_country_priced | MP9 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_high_vol_country_priced | MPL |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_signed_high_vol_country_priced | MPM |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_signed_high_vol_country_priced | MPN |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_high_vol_extra_comp_country_priced | MPO |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_signed_high_vol_extra_comp_country_priced | MPP |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcel_tracked_boxable_country_priced | MPR |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_zone_sort | MTA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_extra_compensation_zone_sort | MTB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_signed_zone_sort | MTC |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_country_priced | MTE |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_extra_compensation_country_priced | MTF |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_signed_country_priced | MTG |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_zone_sort | MTI |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_tracked_country_priced | MTK |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_signed_zone_sort | MTM |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_signed_country_priced | MTO |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_signed_extra_compensation_country_priced | MTP |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_direct_ireland_country | MTS |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_tracked_signed_ddp | MTV |
sapient_royal_mail_international_standard_on_account | OLA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_economy_on_account | OLS |
sapient_royal_mail_international_signed_on_account | OSA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_signed_on_account_extra_comp | OSB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_on_account | OTA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_on_account_extra_comp | OTB |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_signed_on_account | OTC |
sapient_royal_mail_international_tracked_signed_on_account_extra_comp | OTD |
sapient_royal_mail_48_ll_flat_rate | PK0 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_standard_signed_for_parcel_sort8_flat_rate_service | PK1 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_standard_signed_for_parcel_sort8_flat_rate_service | PK2 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_standard_signed_for_parcel_sort8_daily_rate_service | PK3 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_standard_signed_for_parcel_sort8_daily_rate_service | PK4 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_presorted_p | PK7 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_presorted_p | PK8 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_ll_flat_rate | PK9 |
sapient_royal_mail_rm24_presorted_p_annual_flat_rate | PKB |
sapient_royal_mail_rm48_presorted_p_annual_flat_rate | PKD |
sapient_royal_mail_rm48_presorted_ll_annual_flat_rate | PKK |
sapient_royal_mail_rm24_presorted_ll_annual_flat_rate | PKM |
sapient_royal_mail_24_standard_signed_for_packetpost_flat_rate_service | PPF1 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_standard_signed_for_packetpost_flat_rate_service | PPF2 |
sapient_royal_mail_parcelpost_flat_rate_annual | PPJ1 |
sapient_royal_mail_parcelpost_flat_rate_annual_PPJ | PPJ2 |
sapient_royal_mail_rm24_ll_annual_flat_rate | PPS |
sapient_royal_mail_rm48_ll_annual_flat_rate | PPT |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_personal_correspondence_max_sort_l | PS5 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_max_sort_priority_service | PS7 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_letters_max_sort_standard | PSA |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_max_sort_standard_service | PSB |
sapient_royal_mail_48_sort8p_annual_flat_rate | RM0 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_ll_daily_rate | RM1 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_p_daily_rate | RM2 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_ll_daily_rate | RM3 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_p_daily_rate | RM4 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_p_flat_rate | RM5 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_p_flat_rate | RM6 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_sort8_ll_annual_flat_rate | RM7 |
sapient_royal_mail_24_sort8_p_annual_flat_rate | RM8 |
sapient_royal_mail_48_sort8_ll_annual_flat_rate | RM9 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_750 | SD1 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_1000 | SD2 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_2500 | SD3 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_750 | SD4 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_1000 | SD5 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_2500 | SD6 |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_id_750 | SDA |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_id_1000 | SDB |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_id_2500 | SDC |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_id_750 | SDE |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_id_1000 | SDF |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_id_2500 | SDG |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_age_750 | SDH |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_age_1000 | SDJ |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_1pm_age_2500 | SDK |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_age_750 | SDM |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_age_1000 | SDN |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_by_9am_age_2500 | SDQ |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_age_750 | SDV |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_age_1000 | SDW |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_age_2500 | SDX |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_id_750 | SDY |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_id_1000 | SDZ |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_id_2500 | SEA |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_750 | SEB |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_1000 | SEC |
sapient_royal_mail_special_delivery_guaranteed_2500 | SED |
sapient_royal_mail_1st_class_standard_signed_for_letters_daily_rate_service | STL1 |
sapient_royal_mail_2nd_class_standard_signed_for_letters_daily_rate_service | STL2 |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_24_high_volume_signature_age | TPA |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_48_high_volume_signature_age | TPB |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_24_signature_age | TPC |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_48_signature_age | TPD |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_48_high_volume_signature_no_signature | TPL |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_24_high_volume_signature_no_signature | TPM |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_24_signature_no_signature | TPN |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_48_signature_no_signature | TPS |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_letter_boxable_48_high_volume_signature_no_signature | TRL |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_letter_boxable_24_high_volume_signature_no_signature | TRM |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_letter_boxable_24_signature_no_signature | TRN |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_letter_boxable_48_signature_no_signature | TRS |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_returns_24 | TSN |
sapient_royal_mail_tracked_returns_48 | TSS |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_parcels_zero_sort_priority_WE | WE1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_zero_sort_priority | WG1 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_large_letter_zero_sort_priority_machine | WG4 |
sapient_royal_mail_international_business_mail_letters_zero_sort_priority | WP1 |
Code | Service Name |
roadie_local_delivery | Roadie Local Delivery |
Code | Service Name |
purolator_express_9_am | PurolatorExpress9AM |
purolator_express_us | PurolatorExpressU.S. |
purolator_express_10_30_am | PurolatorExpress10:30AM |
purolator_express_us_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.9AM |
purolator_express_12_pm | PurolatorExpress12PM |
purolator_express_us_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.10:30AM |
purolator_express | PurolatorExpress |
purolator_express_us_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.12:00 |
purolator_express_evening | PurolatorExpressEvening |
purolator_express_envelope_us | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeU.S. |
purolator_express_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope9AM |
purolator_express_us_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope9AM |
purolator_express_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope10:30AM |
purolator_express_us_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope10:30AM |
purolator_express_envelope_12_pm | PurolatorExpressEnvelope12PM |
purolator_express_us_envelope_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Envelope12:00 |
purolator_express_envelope | PurolatorExpressEnvelope |
purolator_express_pack_us | PurolatorExpressPackU.S. |
purolator_express_envelope_evening | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeEvening |
purolator_express_us_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack9AM |
purolator_express_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressPack9AM |
purolator_express_us_pack_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack10:30AM |
purolator_express_pack10_30_am | PurolatorExpressPack10:30AM |
purolator_express_us_pack_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Pack12:00 |
purolator_express_pack_12_pm | PurolatorExpressPack12PM |
purolator_express_box_us | PurolatorExpressBoxU.S. |
purolator_express_pack | PurolatorExpressPack |
purolator_express_us_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box9AM |
purolator_express_pack_evening | PurolatorExpressPackEvening |
purolator_express_us_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box10:30AM |
purolator_express_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressBox9AM |
purolator_express_us_box_12_00 | PurolatorExpressU.S.Box12:00 |
purolator_express_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressBox10:30AM |
purolator_ground_us | PurolatorGroundU.S. |
purolator_express_box_12_pm | PurolatorExpressBox12PM |
purolator_express_international | PurolatorExpressInternational |
purolator_express_box | PurolatorExpressBox |
purolator_express_international_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternational9AM |
purolator_express_box_evening | PurolatorExpressBoxEvening |
purolator_express_international_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternational10:30AM |
purolator_ground | PurolatorGround |
purolator_express_international_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternational12:00 |
purolator_ground_9_am | PurolatorGround9AM |
purolator_express_envelope_international | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational |
purolator_ground_10_30_am | PurolatorGround10:30AM |
purolator_express_international_envelope_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope9AM |
purolator_ground_evening | PurolatorGroundEvening |
purolator_express_international_envelope_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope10:30AM |
purolator_quick_ship | PurolatorQuickShip |
purolator_express_international_envelope_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalEnvelope12:00 |
purolator_quick_ship_envelope | PurolatorQuickShipEnvelope |
purolator_express_pack_international | PurolatorExpressPackInternational |
purolator_quick_ship_pack | PurolatorQuickShipPack |
purolator_express_international_pack_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack9AM |
purolator_quick_ship_box | PurolatorQuickShipBox |
purolator_express_international_pack_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack10:30AM |
purolator_express_international_pack_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalPack12:00 |
purolator_express_box_international | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational |
purolator_express_international_box_9_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox9AM |
purolator_express_international_box_10_30_am | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox10:30AM |
purolator_express_international_box_12_00 | PurolatorExpressInternationalBox12:00 |
Code | Service Name |
locate2u_local_delivery | Locate2u Local Delivery |
Code | Service Name |
letter_ordered | 88 |
letter_simple | 79 |
letter_valued | 89 |
package_ordered | 93 |
package_simple | 92 |
package_valued | 100 |
parcel_simple | 94 |
parcel_valued | 95 |
postcard_ordered | 91 |
postcard_simple | 90 |
sekogram_simple | 96 |
sprint_simple | 97 |
yes_ordered_value | 99 |
Code | Service Name |
geodis_EXP | EXP |
geodis_MES | MES |
geodis_express_france | NTX |
geodis_retour_trans_fr_messagerie_plus | ENL |
Code | Service Name |
freightcom_all | 0 |
freightcom_usf_holland | 1911 |
freightcom_central_transport | 2029 |
freightcom_estes | 2107 |
freightcom_canpar_ground | 3400 |
freightcom_canpar_select | 3404 |
freightcom_canpar_overnight | 3407 |
freightcom_dicom_ground | 3700 |
freightcom_purolator_ground | 4000 |
freightcom_purolator_express | 4003 |
freightcom_purolator_express_9_am | 4004 |
freightcom_purolator_express_10_30_am | 4005 |
freightcom_purolator_ground_us | 4016 |
freightcom_purolator_express_us | 4015 |
freightcom_purolator_express_us_9_am | 4013 |
freightcom_purolator_express_us_10_30_am | 4014 |
freightcom_fedex_express_saver | 4100 |
freightcom_fedex_ground | 4101 |
freightcom_fedex_2day | 4102 |
freightcom_fedex_priority_overnight | 4104 |
freightcom_fedex_standard_overnight | 4105 |
freightcom_fedex_first_overnight | 4106 |
freightcom_fedex_international_priority | 4108 |
freightcom_fedex_international_economy | 4109 |
freightcom_ups_standard | 4600 |
freightcom_ups_expedited | 4601 |
freightcom_ups_express_saver | 4602 |
freightcom_ups_express | 4603 |
freightcom_ups_express_early | 4604 |
freightcom_ups_3day_select | 4605 |
freightcom_ups_worldwide_expedited | 4606 |
freightcom_ups_worldwide_express | 4607 |
freightcom_ups_worldwide_express_plus | 4608 |
freightcom_ups_worldwide_express_saver | 4609 |
freightcom_dhl_express_easy | 5202 |
freightcom_dhl_express_10_30 | 5208 |
freightcom_dhl_express_worldwide | 5211 |
freightcom_dhl_express_12_00 | 5215 |
freightcom_dhl_economy_select | 5216 |
freightcom_dhl_ecommerce_am_service | 5706 |
freightcom_dhl_ecommerce_ground_service | 5707 |
freightcom_canadapost_regular_parcel | 6301 |
freightcom_canadapost_expedited_parcel | 6300 |
freightcom_canadapost_xpresspost | 6303 |
freightcom_canadapost_priority | 6302 |
FedEx Web Service
Code | Service Name |
fedex_europe_first_international_priority | EUROPE_FIRST_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY |
fedex_1_day_freight | FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_2_day | FEDEX_2_DAY |
fedex_2_day_am | FEDEX_2_DAY_AM |
fedex_2_day_freight | FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_3_day_freight | FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_cargo_airport_to_airport | FEDEX_CARGO_AIRPORT_TO_AIRPORT |
fedex_cargo_freight_forwarding | FEDEX_CARGO_FREIGHT_FORWARDING |
fedex_cargo_international_express_freight | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_EXPRESS_FREIGHT |
fedex_cargo_international_premium | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_PREMIUM |
fedex_cargo_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_MAIL |
fedex_cargo_registered_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_REGISTERED_MAIL |
fedex_cargo_surface_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_SURFACE_MAIL |
fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE |
fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite_exclusive_use | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE_EXCLUSIVE_USE |
fedex_custom_critical_air_expedite_network | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_AIR_EXPEDITE_NETWORK |
fedex_custom_critical_charter_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_CHARTER_AIR |
fedex_custom_critical_point_to_point | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_POINT_TO_POINT |
fedex_custom_critical_surface_expedite | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_SURFACE_EXPEDITE |
fedex_custom_critical_surface_expedite_exclusive_use | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_SURFACE_EXPEDITE_EXCLUSIVE_USE |
fedex_custom_critical_temp_assure_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_TEMP_ASSURE_AIR |
fedex_custom_critical_temp_assure_validated_air | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_TEMP_ASSURE_VALIDATED_AIR |
fedex_custom_critical_white_glove_services | FEDEX_CUSTOM_CRITICAL_WHITE_GLOVE_SERVICES |
fedex_distance_deferred | FEDEX_DISTANCE_DEFERRED |
fedex_express_saver | FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER |
fedex_first_freight | FEDEX_FIRST_FREIGHT |
fedex_freight_economy | FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY |
fedex_freight_priority | FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY |
fedex_ground | FEDEX_GROUND |
fedex_international_priority_plus | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_PLUS |
fedex_next_day_afternoon | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_AFTERNOON |
fedex_next_day_early_morning | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_EARLY_MORNING |
fedex_next_day_end_of_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_END_OF_DAY |
fedex_next_day_freight | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_next_day_mid_morning | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_MID_MORNING |
fedex_first_overnight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_ground_home_delivery | GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY |
fedex_international_distribution_freight | INTERNATIONAL_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT |
fedex_international_economy | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY |
fedex_international_economy_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_DISTRIBUTION |
fedex_international_economy_freight | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT |
fedex_international_first | INTERNATIONAL_FIRST |
fedex_international_ground | INTERNATIONAL_GROUND |
fedex_international_priority | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY |
fedex_international_priority_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_DISTRIBUTION |
fedex_international_priority_express | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_EXPRESS |
fedex_international_priority_freight | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT |
fedex_priority_overnight | PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_same_day | SAME_DAY |
fedex_same_day_city | SAME_DAY_CITY |
fedex_same_day_metro_afternoon | SAME_DAY_METRO_AFTERNOON |
fedex_same_day_metro_morning | SAME_DAY_METRO_MORNING |
fedex_same_day_metro_rush | SAME_DAY_METRO_RUSH |
fedex_smart_post | SMART_POST |
fedex_standard_overnight | STANDARD_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_transborder_distribution_consolidation | TRANSBORDER_DISTRIBUTION_CONSOLIDATION |
Code | Service Name |
fedex_international_priority_express | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_EXPRESS |
fedex_international_first | INTERNATIONAL_FIRST |
fedex_international_priority | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY |
fedex_international_economy | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY |
fedex_ground | FEDEX_GROUND |
fedex_cargo_mail | FEDEX_CARGO_MAIL |
fedex_cargo_international_premium | FEDEX_CARGO_INTERNATIONAL_PREMIUM |
fedex_first_overnight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_first_overnight_freight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT_FREIGHT |
fedex_1_day_freight | FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_2_day_freight | FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_3_day_freight | FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_international_priority_freight | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT |
fedex_international_economy_freight | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT |
fedex_cargo_airport_to_airport | FEDEX_CARGO_AIRPORT_TO_AIRPORT |
fedex_international_priority_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_DISTRIBUTION |
fedex_ip_direct_distribution_freight | FEDEX_IP_DIRECT_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT |
fedex_intl_ground_distribution | INTL_GROUND_DISTRIBUTION |
fedex_ground_home_delivery | GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY |
fedex_smart_post | SMART_POST |
fedex_priority_overnight | PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_standard_overnight | STANDARD_OVERNIGHT |
fedex_2_day | FEDEX_2_DAY |
fedex_2_day_am | FEDEX_2_DAY_AM |
fedex_express_saver | FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER |
fedex_same_day | SAME_DAY |
fedex_same_day_city | SAME_DAY_CITY |
fedex_one_day_freight | FEDEX_ONE_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_international_economy_distribution | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_DISTRIBUTION |
fedex_international_connect_plus | FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_CONNECT_PLUS |
fedex_international_distribution_freight | INTERNATIONAL_DISTRIBUTION_FREIGHT |
fedex_regional_economy | FEDEX_REGIONAL_ECONOMY |
fedex_next_day_freight | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_FREIGHT |
fedex_next_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY |
fedex_next_day_10am | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_10AM |
fedex_next_day_12pm | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_12PM |
fedex_next_day_end_of_day | FEDEX_NEXT_DAY_END_OF_DAY |
fedex_distance_deferred | FEDEX_DISTANCE_DEFERRED |
Code | Service Name |
eshipper_fedex_2day_freight | 2Day Freight |
eshipper_fedex_3day_freight | 3Day Freight |
eshipper_sameday_9_am_guaranteed | 9:AM GUARANTEED |
eshipper_project44_a_duie_pyle | A Duie Pyle` |
eshipper_project44_aaa_cooper_transportation | AAA Cooper Transportation`` |
eshipper_project44_aberdeen_express | Aberdeen Express` |
eshipper_project44_abf_freight | ABF Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_abfs | ABFS |
eshipper_sameday_am_service | AM Service |
eshipper_apex_trucking | Apex Trucking |
eshipper_project44_averitt_express | Averitt Express` |
eshipper_project44_brown_transfer_company | BROWN TRANSFER COMPANY` |
eshipper_canada_worldwide_next_flight_out | Canada Worldwide Next Flight Out |
eshipper_project44_central_freight_lines | Central Freight Lines` |
eshipper_project44_central_transport | Central Transport`` |
eshipper_project44_chicago_suburban_express | Chicago Suburban Express` |
eshipper_project44_clear_lane_freight | Clear Lane Freight` |
eshipper_project44_con_way_freight | Con-way Freight` |
eshipper_project44_conway_freight | Con-way Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_crosscountry_courier | Crosscountry Courier` |
eshipper_project44_day_ross | Day & Ross |
eshipper_day_and_ross | DAY AND ROSS |
eshipper_day_ross_r_and_l | DAY AND ROSS (R AND L) |
eshipper_project44_daylight_transport | Daylight Transport`` |
eshipper_project44_dayton_freight_lines | Dayton Freight Lines` |
eshipper_project44_dependable_highway_express | Dependable Highway Express`` |
eshipper_dhl_ground | DHL Ground |
eshipper_smarte_post_int_l_dhl_packet_international | DHL Packet International |
eshipper_smarte_post_int_l_dhl_parcel_international_direct | DHL Parcel International Direct |
eshipper_smarte_post_int_l_dhl_parcel_international_standard | DHL Parcel International Standard |
eshipper_project44_dohrn_transfer_company | Dohrn Transfer Company` |
eshipper_project44_dugan_truck_line | Dugan Truck Line` |
eshipper_aramex_economy_document_express | Economy Document Express |
eshipper_aramex_economy_parcel_express | Economy Parcel Express |
eshipper_envoi_same_day_delivery | Envoi - Same Day Delivery |
eshipper_dhl_esi_export | ESI Export |
eshipper_project44_estes_express_lines | Estes`` |
eshipper_ups_expedited | Expedited |
eshipper_project44_expedited_freight_systems | Expedited Freight Systems` |
eshipper_ups_express | Express |
eshipper_dhl_express_1030am | Express 1030AM |
eshipper_dhl_express_12pm | Express 12PM |
eshipper_dhl_express_9am | EXPRESS 9:00 |
eshipper_dhl_express_envelope | Express Envelope |
eshipper_canpar_express_letter | Express Letter |
eshipper_canpar_express_pak | Express Pak |
eshipper_canpar_express_parcel | Express Parcel |
eshipper_dhl_express_worldwide | Express Worldwide |
eshipper_fastfrate_rail | RAIL |
eshipper_fedex_2nd_day | Fedex 2nd Day |
eshipper_fedex_economy | Fedex Economy |
eshipper_fedex_first_overnight | Fedex First Overnight |
eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_canada | Fedex Freight Canada` |
eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_east | FedEx Freight East` |
eshipper_fedex_freight_economy | FedEx Freight Economy |
eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_national_canada | FedEx Freight National Canada |
eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_national_usa | FedEx Freight National USA |
eshipper_fedex_freight_priority | FedEx Freight Priority |
eshipper_project44_fedex_freight_usa | Fedex Freight USA |
eshipper_fedex_ground | Fedex Ground |
eshipper_fedex_international_connect_plus | FedEx Intl Connect Plus |
eshipper_fedex_intl_economy | Fedex Intl Economy |
eshipper_fedex_intl_economy_freight | Fedex Intl Economy Freight |
eshipper_fedex_intl_priority | Fedex Intl Priority |
eshipper_fedex_intl_priority_express | Fedex Intl Priority Express |
eshipper_fedex_intl_priority_freight | Fedex Intl Priority Freight |
eshipper_project44_fedex_national | FedEx National` |
eshipper_fedex_priority | Fedex Priority |
eshipper_fedex_standard_overnight | Fedex Standard Overnight |
eshipper_project44_forwardair | ForwardAir` |
eshipper_project44_frontline_freight | Frontline Freight` |
eshipper_ups_ground | Ground |
eshipper_sameday_ground_service | GROUND SERVICE |
eshipper_sameday_h1_deliver_to_curbside | H1 Deliver to Curbside |
eshipper_sameday_h3_delivery_packaging_removal | H3 Delivery & Packaging Removal |
eshipper_sameday_h4_delivery_to_curbside | H4 Delivery to Curbside |
eshipper_sameday_h5_delivery_to_room_of_choice_2_man | H5 Delivery to Room of Choice - 2 man |
eshipper_sameday_h6_delivery_packaging_removal_2_man | H6 Delivery & packaging Removal - 2 man |
eshipper_project44_holland_motor_express | Holland Motor Express` |
eshipper_dhl_import_express | Import Express |
eshipper_dhl_import_express_12pm | Import Express 12PM |
eshipper_dhl_import_express_9am | Import Express 9AM |
eshipper_project44_jp_express | J.P. Express`` |
eshipper_kindersley_expedited | Kindersley Expedited |
eshipper_kindersley_rail | Kindersley Rail * |
eshipper_kindersley_regular | Kindersley Regular |
eshipper_kindersley_road | Kindersley Road * |
eshipper_project44_lakeville_motor_express | Lakeville Motor Express` |
eshipper_day_ross_ltl | LTL |
eshipper_sameday_ltl_service | LTL SERVICE |
eshipper_mainliner_road | Mainliner Road |
eshipper_project44_manitoulin_tlx_inc | MANITOULIN TLX INC` |
eshipper_project44_midwest_motor_express | Midwest Motor Express` |
eshipper_mo_rail | MO Rail |
eshipper_project44_monroe_transportation_services | Monroe Transportation Services` |
eshipper_project44_mountain_valley_express | Mountain Valley Express`` |
eshipper_project44_n_m_transfer | N&M Transfer` |
eshipper_project44_new_england_motor_freight | New England Motor Freight` |
eshipper_project44_new_penn_motor_express | New Penn Motor Express` |
eshipper_project44_oak_harbor_freight | Oak Harbor Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_old_dominion_freight | Old Dominion Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_pitt_ohio | Pitt Ohio`` |
eshipper_sameday_pm_service | PM SERVICE |
eshipper_project44_polaris | Polaris |
eshipper_aramex_priority_letter_express | Priority Letter Express |
eshipper_aramex_priority_parcel_express | Priority Parcel Express |
eshipper_purolator_express | Purolator Express |
eshipper_purolator_express_1030 | Purolator Express 1030 |
eshipper_purolator_express_9am | Purolator Express 9AM |
eshipper_purolator_expresscheque | Purolator ExpressCheque |
eshipper_purolator_ground | Purolator Ground |
eshipper_purolator_ground_1030 | Purolator Ground 1030 |
eshipper_purolator_ground_9am | Purolator Ground 9AM |
eshipper_purolator | Puroletter |
eshipper_purolator_10_30 | Puroletter 10:30 |
eshipper_purolator_9am | Puroletter 9AM |
eshipper_purolator_puropak | PuroPak |
eshipper_purolator_puropak_10_30 | PuroPak 10:30 |
eshipper_purolator_puropak_9am | PuroPak 9AM |
eshipper_project44_rl_carriers | R+L Carriers`` |
eshipper_project44_roadrunner_transportation_services | Roadrunner Transportation Systems`` |
eshipper_project44_saia_ltl_freight | Saia LTL Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_saia_motor_freight | SAIA Motor Freight` |
eshipper_ups_second_day_air_a_m | Second Day Air A.M. |
eshipper_canpar_select_letter | Select Letter |
eshipper_canpar_select_pak | Select Pak |
eshipper_canpar_select_parcel | Select Parcel |
eshipper_project44_southeastern_freight_lines | SouthEastern Freight`` |
eshipper_project44_southwestern_motor_transport | Southwestern Motor Transport` |
eshipper_speedy | Speedy |
eshipper_ups_standard | Standard |
eshipper_project44_standard_forwarding | Standard Forwarding` |
eshipper_tforce_freight_ltl | TForce Freight LTL |
eshipper_tforce_freight_ltl_guaranteed | TForce Freight LTL - Guaranteed |
eshipper_tforce_freight_ltl_guaranteed_a_m | TForce Freight LTL - Guaranteed A.M. |
eshipper_tforce_standard_ltl | TForce Standard LTL |
eshipper_ups_three_day_select | Three-Day Select |
eshipper_project44_total_transportation_distribution | Total Transportation & Distribution` |
eshipper_project44_tst_overland_express | TST Overland Express |
eshipper_project44_ups | UPS`` |
eshipper_ups_freight | UPS-Freight |
eshipper_ups_freight_canada | UPS Freight Canada |
eshipper_ups_saver | UPS Saver |
eshipper_sameday_urgent_letter | URGENT LETTER |
eshipper_sameday_urgent_pac | URGENT PAC |
eshipper_canpar_usa | USA |
eshipper_project44_usf_reddaway | USF Reddaway` |
eshipper_ods_usps_light_weight_parcel_budget | USPS Light Weight Parcel Budget |
eshipper_ods_usps_light_weight_parcel_expedited | USPS Light Weight Parcel Expedited |
eshipper_ods_usps_parcel_select_budget | USPS Parcel Select Budget |
eshipper_ods_usps_parcel_select_expedited | USPS Parcel Select Expedited |
eshipper_project44_valley_cartage | Valley Cartage` |
eshipper_project44_vision_express_ltl | Vision Express LTL` |
eshipper_project44_ward_trucking | WARD Trucking`` |
eshipper_western_canada_rail | Western Canada Rail |
eshipper_ups_worldwide_expedited | Worldwide Expedited |
eshipper_ups_worldwide_express | Worldwide Express |
eshipper_project44_xpo_logistics | XPO Logistics |
eshipper_project44_xpress_global_systems | Xpress Global Systems |
eshipper_canadapost_xpress_post | Xpress Post |
eshipper_project44_yrc | YRC` |
eshipper_canadapost_air_parcel_intl | Air Parcel Intl |
eshipper_canadapost_expedited_parcel_usa | Expedited Parcel USA |
eshipper_canadapost_priority_courier | Priority Courier |
eshipper_canadapost_regular | Regular |
eshipper_canadapost_small_packet | Small Packet |
eshipper_canadapost_small_packet_international_air | Small Packet International Air |
eshipper_canadapost_small_packet_international_surface | Small Packet International Surface |
eshipper_canadapost_surface_parcel_intl | Surface Parcel Intl |
eshipper_canadapost_xpress_post_intl | Xpress Post Intl |
eshipper_canadapost_xpress_post_usa | Xpress Post USA |
eshipper_canpar_international | International |
eshipper_canpar_usa_select_letter | USA Select Letter |
eshipper_canpar_usa_select_pak | USA Select Pak |
eshipper_canpar_usa_select_parcel | USA Select Parcel |
eshipper_cpx_canada_post | Canada Post |
eshipper_dhl_economy_select | ECONOMY SELECT |
eshipper_apex_v | Apex - V |
eshipper_apex_trucking_v | Apex Trucking-V |
eshipper_kingsway_road | Kingsway Road |
eshipper_m_o_eastbound | M-O Eastbound |
eshipper_national_fastfreight_rail | National Fastfreight Rail |
eshipper_national_fastfreight_road | National Fastfreight Road |
eshipper_vitran_rail | Vitran Rail |
eshipper_vitran_road | Vitran Road |
eshipper_fedex_ground_us | Fedex Ground US |
eshipper_fedex_international_priority | FedEx International Priority |
eshipper_fedex_international_priority_express | FedEx International Priority Express |
eshipper_project44_day_ross_v | Day & Ross-V |
eshipper_project44_purolator_freight | Purolator Freight |
eshipper_project44_r_l_carriers | R+L Carriers` |
eshipper_pyk_ground_advantage | Ground Advantage |
eshipper_usps_priority_mail | Priority Mail |
eshipper_skip | Skip |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_dhl_parcel_international_direct_ngr | DHL Parcel International Direct (NGR) |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_business_priority | GLOBAL Mail Business Priority |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_business_standard | GLOBAL Mail Business Standard |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_packet_plus_priority | Global Mail Packet Plus Priority |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_packet_priority | Global Mail Packet Priority |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_packet_standard | GLOBAL Mail Packet Standard |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_parcel_direct_priority_yyz | Global Mail Parcel Direct Priority (YYZ) |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_parcel_direct_standard_yyz | Global Mail Parcel Direct Standard (YYZ) |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_parcel_priority | Global Mail Parcel Priority |
eshipper_smarte_post_intl_global_mail_parcel_standard | Global Mail Parcel Standard |
eshipper_ups_express_early_am | Express Early AM |
eshipper_ups_worldwide_express_plus | Worldwide Express Plus |
eshipper_usps_first_class_package_return_service | First-Class Package Return Service |
eshipper_usps_library_mail | Library Mail |
eshipper_usps_media_mail | Media Mail |
eshipper_usps_parcel_select | Parcel Select |
eshipper_usps_pbx | PBX |
eshipper_usps_pbx_lightweight | PBX Lightweight |
eshipper_usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express |
eshipper_usps_priority_mail_open_and_distribute | Priority Mail Open AND Distribute |
eshipper_usps_priority_mail_return_service | Priority Mail Return Service |
eshipper_usps_retail_ground_formerly_standard_post | Retail Ground (formerly Standard Post) |
Code | Service Name |
easyship_aramex_parcel | Parcel |
easyship_sfexpress_domestic | Domestic |
easyship_hkpost_speedpost | Speedpost |
easyship_hkpost_air_mail_tracking | Air Mail Tracking |
easyship_hkpost_eexpress | EExpress |
easyship_hkpost_air_parcel | Air Parcel |
easyship_sfexpress_mail | |
easyship_hkpost_local_parcel | Local Parcel |
easyship_ups_saver_net_battery | SaverNet Battery |
easyship_ups_worldwide_saver | Worldwide Saver® |
easyship_hkpost_air_parcel_xp | Air Parcel XP |
easyship_singpost_airmail | Airmail |
easyship_simplypost_express | Express |
easyship_singpost_e_pack | ePack |
easyship_usps_priority_mail_express | Priority Mail Express |
easyship_usps_first_class_international | First Class International |
easyship_usps_priority_mail_international_express | Priority Mail International Express |
easyship_usps_priority_mail_international | Priority Mail International |
easyship_fedex_international_priority | InternationalPriority |
easyship_usps_ground_advantage | GroundAdvantage |
easyship_usps_priority_mail | PriorityMail |
easyship_ups_worldwide_express | Worldwide Express® |
easyship_ups_ground | Ground |
easyship_ups_worldwide_expedited | Worldwide Expedited® |
easyship_fedex_international_economy | International Economy® |
easyship_fedex_priority_overnight | Priority Overnight® |
easyship_fedex_standard_overnight | Standard Overnight® |
easyship_fedex_2_day_a_m | 2Day® A.M. |
easyship_fedex_2_day | 2Day® |
easyship_fedex_express_saver | Express Saver® |
easyship_ups_next_day_air | Next Day Air® |
easyship_ups_2nd_day_air | 2nd Day Air® |
easyship_ups_3_day_select | 3DaySelect |
easyship_ups_standard | Standard |
easyship_usps_media | Media |
easyship_sfexpress_standard_express | Standard Express |
easyship_sfexpress_economy_express | Economy Express |
easyship_global_post_global_post_economy | GlobalPost Economy |
easyship_global_post_global_post_priority | GlobalPost Priority |
easyship_singpost_speed_post_priority | SpeedPost Priority |
easyship_skypostal_standard_private_delivery | Standard Private Delivery |
easyship_tnt_1000_express | 1000Express |
easyship_toll_express_parcel | Express Parcel |
easyship_sendle_premium_international | Premium International |
easyship_sendle_premium_domestic | PremiumDomestic |
easyship_sendle_pro_domestic | Pro Domestic |
easyship_quantium_e_pac | ePac |
easyship_usps_pm_flat_rate | PM Flat Rate |
easyship_usps_pmi_flat_rate | PMI Flat Rate |
easyship_quantium_mail | |
easyship_quantium_international_mail | International Mail |
easyship_apc_parcel_connect_expedited | ParcelConnect Expedited |
easyship_aramex_epx | EPX |
easyship_tnt_road_express | Road Express |
easyship_tnt_overnight | Overnight |
easyship_usps_pme_flat_rate | PME Flat Rate |
easyship_usps_pmei_flat_rate | PMEI Flat Rate |
easyship_easyship_cdek_russia | CDEK Russia |
easyship_usps_pmei_flat_rate_padded_envelope | PMEI Flat Rate Padded Envelope |
easyship_easyship_mate_bike_shipping_services | Mate Bike Shipping Services |
easyship_dhl_express_documents | Documents |
easyship_evri_uk_home_delivery | UK_HomeDelivery |
easyship_evri_home_delivery | HomeDelivery |
easyship_dpd_next_day | NextDay |
easyship_dpd_classic_parcel | ClassicParcel |
easyship_dpd_classic_expresspak | ClassicExpresspak |
easyship_dpd_air_classic | AirClassic |
easyship_singpost_speed_post_express | SpeedPostExpress |
easyship_ups_expedited | Expedited |
easyship_tnt_0900_express | 0900Express |
easyship_tnt_1200_express | 1200Express |
easyship_canadapost_domestic_regular_parcel | Domestic Regular Parcel |
easyship_canadapost_domestic_expedited_parcel | Domestic Expedited Parcel |
easyship_canadapost_domestic_xpresspost_domestic | Domestic Xpresspost Domestic |
easyship_canadapost_domestic_priority | Domestic Priority |
easyship_canadapost_usa_small_packet_air | USA Small Packet Air |
easyship_canadapost_usa_expedited_parcel | USA Expedited Parcel |
easyship_canadapost_usa_tracked_parcel | USA Tracked Parcel |
easyship_canadapost_usa_xpresspost | USA Xpresspost |
easyship_canadapost_international_xpresspost | International Xpresspost |
easyship_canadapost_international_small_packet_air | International Small Packet Air |
easyship_canadapost_international_tracked_packet | International Tracked Packet |
easyship_canadapost_international_small_packet_surface | International Small Packet Surface |
easyship_canadapost_international_parcel_surface | International Parcel Surface |
easyship_canadapost_international_parcel_air | International Parcel Air |
easyship_couriersplease_atl | ATL |
easyship_couriersplease_signature | Signature |
easyship_canpar_international | International |
easyship_canpar_usa | USA |
easyship_canpar_select_usa | Select USA |
easyship_canpar_usa_pak | USA Pak |
easyship_canpar_overnight_pak | Overnight Pak |
easyship_canpar_select_pak | Select Pak |
easyship_canpar_select | Select |
easyship_ups_express_saver | ExpressSaver |
easyship_ebay_send_sf_express_economy_express | SF Express Economy Express |
easyship_ups_worldwide_express_plus | Worldwide Express Plus® |
easyship_quantium_intl_priority | IntlPriority |
easyship_ups_next_day_air_early | Next Day Air® Early |
easyship_ups_next_day_air_saver | Next Day Air Saver® |
easyship_ups_2nd_day_air_a_m | 2nd Day Air® A.M. |
easyship_fedex_home_delivery | Home Delivery® |
easyship_asendia_country_tracked | CountryTracked |
easyship_asendia_fully_tracked | FullyTracked |
easyship_dhl_express_express_dg | ExpressDG |
easyship_fedex_international_priority_dg | InternationalPriorityDG |
easyship_colissimo_expert | Expert |
easyship_colissimo_access | Access |
easyship_mondialrelay_international_home_delivery | InternationalHomeDelivery |
easyship_fedex_economy | Economy |
easyship_dhl_express_express1200 | Express1200 |
easyship_dhl_express_express0900 | Express0900 |
easyship_dhl_express_express1800 | Express1800 |
easyship_dhl_express_express_worldwide | ExpressWorldwide |
easyship_dhl_express_economy_select | EconomySelect |
easyship_dhl_express_express1030_international | Express1030International |
easyship_dhl_express_domestic_express0900 | DomesticExpress0900 |
easyship_dhl_express_domestic_express1200 | DomesticExpress1200 |
easyship_evri_lightand_large | LightandLarge |
easyship_ninjavan_standard_deliveries | Standard Deliveries |
easyship_couriersplease_parcel_tier2 | ParcelTier2 |
easyship_skypostal_postal_packet_standard | Postal Packet Standard |
easyship_easyshipdemo_basic | Basic |
easyship_easyshipdemo_tracked | Tracked |
easyship_easyshipdemo_battery | Battery |
easyship_dhl_express_domestic_express | DomesticExpress |
easyship_fedex_smart_post | SmartPost |
easyship_fedex_international_connect_plus | InternationalConnectPlus |
easyship_ups_saver_net | SaverNet |
easyship_chronopost_chrono_classic | ChronoClassic |
easyship_chronopost_chrono_express | ChronoExpress |
easyship_chronopost_chrono10 | Chrono10 |
easyship_chronopost_chrono13 | Chrono13 |
easyship_chronopost_chrono18 | Chrono18 |
easyship_omniparcel_parcel_expedited | Parcel Expedited |
easyship_omniparcel_parcel_expedited_plus | Parcel Expedited Plus |
easyship_evri_home_delivery_domestic | HomeDeliveryDomestic |
easyship_evri_home_domestic_postable | HomeDomesticPostable |
easyship_skypostal_packet_express | PacketExpress |
easyship_parcelforce_express48_large | Express48Large |
easyship_parcelforce_express24 | Express24 |
easyship_parcelforce_express1000 | Express1000 |
easyship_parcelforce_express_am | ExpressAM |
easyship_parcelforce_express48 | Express48 |
easyship_parcelforce_euro_economy | EuroEconomy |
easyship_parcelforce_global_priority | GlobalPriority |
easyship_fedex_cross_border_trakpak_worldwide_hermes | TrakpakWorldwideHermes |
easyship_fedex_cross_border_trakpak_worldwide | TrakpakWorldwide |
easyship_evri_home_domestic_postable_next_day | HomeDomesticPostableNextDay |
easyship_dpd_express_pak_next_day | ExpressPakNextDay |
easyship_dpd_classic_express_pak | ClassicExpressPak |
easyship_evri_light_and_large | LightAndLarge |
easyship_evri_home_delivery_domestic_next_day | Home Delivery Domestic NextDay |
easyship_evri_home_delivery_eu | HomeDeliveryEU |
easyship_asendia_epaq_plus | EpaqPlus |
easyship_asendia_epaq_select | EpaqSelect |
easyship_usps_lightweight_standard | LightweightStandard |
easyship_usps_lightweight_economy | LightweightEconomy |
easyship_ups_domestic_express_saver | DomesticExpressSaver |
easyship_apg_e_packet | ePacket |
easyship_apg_e_packet_plus | ePacketPlus |
easyship_couriersplease_ecom_base_kilo | EComBaseKilo |
easyship_couriersplease_stdatlbase_kilo | STDATLBaseKilo |
easyship_nz_post_international_courier | InternationalCourier |
easyship_nz_post_air_small_parcel | AirSmallParcel |
easyship_nz_post_tracked_air_satchel | TrackedAirSatchel |
easyship_nz_post_economy_parcel | Economy Parcel |
easyship_nz_post_parcel_local | ParcelLocal |
easyship_dhl_express_express_domestic | ExpressDomestic |
easyship_alliedexpress_roadexpress | Roadexpress |
easyship_flatexportrate_asendiae_paqselect | AsendiaePAQSelect |
easyship_flatexportrate_asendia_country_tracked | AsendiaCountryTracked |
easyship_singpost_nsaver | NSaver |
easyship_colisprive_home | Home |
easyship_osm_domestic_parcel | Domestic Parcel |
easyship_malca_amit_door_to_door | Door To Door |
easyship_ninjavan_next_day_deliveries | Next Day Deliveries |
easyship_asendia_e_paqselect | ePAQSelect |
easyship_dpd_classic | Classic |
easyship_usps_priority_mail_signature | PriorityMailSignature |
easyship_bringer_packet_standard | PacketStandard |
easyship_bringer_prime | Prime |
easyship_orangeds_expedited_ddp | ExpeditedDDP |
easyship_orangeds_expedited_ddu | ExpeditedDDU |
easyship_sendle_preferred | Preferred |
easyship_ups_ground_saver | GroundSaver |
easyship_ups_upsground_saver_us | UPSGroundSaverUS |
easyship_passport_priority_delcon_dduewr | PriorityDelconDDUEWR |
easyship_passport_priority_delcon_ddpewr | PriorityDelconDDPEWR |
easyship_bringer_tracked_parcel | TrackedParcel |
easyship_ups_express_early | ExpressEarly |
easyship_ups_wolrdwide_express | WolrdwideExpress |
Code | Service Name |
easypost_amazonmws_ups_rates | UPS Rates |
easypost_amazonmws_usps_rates | USPS Rates |
easypost_amazonmws_fedex_rates | FedEx Rates |
easypost_amazonmws_ups_labels | UPS Labels |
easypost_amazonmws_usps_labels | USPS Labels |
easypost_amazonmws_fedex_labels | FedEx Labels |
easypost_amazonmws_ups_tracking | UPS Tracking |
easypost_amazonmws_usps_tracking | USPS Tracking |
easypost_amazonmws_fedex_tracking | FedEx Tracking |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_book_service | parcelConnectBookService |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_expedited_ddp | parcelConnectExpeditedDDP |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_expedited_ddu | parcelConnectExpeditedDDU |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddp | parcelConnectPriorityDDP |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddp_delcon | parcelConnectPriorityDDPDelcon |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddu | parcelConnectPriorityDDU |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddu_delcon | parcelConnectPriorityDDUDelcon |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_priority_ddupqw | parcelConnectPriorityDDUPQW |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_standard_ddu | parcelConnectStandardDDU |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_standard_ddupqw | parcelConnectStandardDDUPQW |
easypost_apc_parcel_connect_packet_ddu | parcelConnectPacketDDU |
easypost_asendia_pmi | PMI |
easypost_asendia_e_packet | ePacket |
easypost_asendia_ipa | IPA |
easypost_asendia_isal | ISAL |
easypost_asendia_us_ads | ADS |
easypost_asendia_us_air_freight_inbound | AirFreightInbound |
easypost_asendia_us_air_freight_outbound | AirFreightOutbound |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_bound_printer_matter_expedited | AsendiaDomesticBoundPrinterMatterExpedited |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_bound_printer_matter_ground | AsendiaDomesticBoundPrinterMatterGround |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_flats_expedited | AsendiaDomesticFlatsExpedited |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_flats_ground | AsendiaDomesticFlatsGround |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_ground_over1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelGroundOver1lb |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_ground_under1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelGroundUnder1lb |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_max_over1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelMAXOver1lb |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_max_under1lb | AsendiaDomesticParcelMAXUnder1lb |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_over1lb_expedited | AsendiaDomesticParcelOver1lbExpedited |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_parcel_under1lb_expedited | AsendiaDomesticParcelUnder1lbExpedited |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_promo_parcel_expedited | AsendiaDomesticPromoParcelExpedited |
easypost_asendia_us_domestic_promo_parcel_ground | AsendiaDomesticPromoParcelGround |
easypost_asendia_us_bulk_freight | BulkFreight |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_canada_lettermail | BusinessMailCanadaLettermail |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_canada_lettermail_machineable | BusinessMailCanadaLettermailMachineable |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy | BusinessMailEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy_lp_wholesale | BusinessMailEconomyLPWholesale |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_economy_sp_wholesale | BusinessMailEconomySPWholesale |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_ipa | BusinessMailIPA |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_isal | BusinessMailISAL |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority | BusinessMailPriority |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority_lp_wholesale | BusinessMailPriorityLPWholesale |
easypost_asendia_us_business_mail_priority_sp_wholesale | BusinessMailPrioritySPWholesale |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_lcp | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedLCP |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_machineable | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedMachineable |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_canada_personalized_ndg | MarketingMailCanadaPersonalizedNDG |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_economy | MarketingMailEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_ipa | MarketingMailIPA |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_isal | MarketingMailISAL |
easypost_asendia_us_marketing_mail_priority | MarketingMailPriority |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_canada_lcp | PublicationsCanadaLCP |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_canada_ndg | PublicationsCanadaNDG |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_economy | PublicationsEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_ipa | PublicationsIPA |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_isal | PublicationsISAL |
easypost_asendia_us_publications_priority | PublicationsPriority |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite | ePAQElite |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_custom | ePAQEliteCustom |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_dap | ePAQEliteDAP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_ddp | ePAQEliteDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_ddp_oversized | ePAQEliteDDPOversized |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_dpd | ePAQEliteDPD |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_direct_access_canada_ddp | ePAQEliteDirectAccessCanadaDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_elite_oversized | ePAQEliteOversized |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus | ePAQPlus |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_custom | ePAQPlusCustom |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_customs_prepaid | ePAQPlusCustomsPrepaid |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_dap | ePAQPlusDAP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_ddp | ePAQPlusDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_economy | ePAQPlusEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_plus_wholesale | ePAQPlusWholesale |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet | ePAQPlusePacket |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet_canada_customs_pre_paid | ePAQPlusePacketCanadaCustomsPrePaid |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_pluse_packet_canada_ddp | ePAQPlusePacketCanadaDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_returns_domestic | ePAQReturnsDomestic |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_returns_international | ePAQReturnsInternational |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select | ePAQSelect |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_custom | ePAQSelectCustom |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_customs_prepaid_by_shopper | ePAQSelectCustomsPrepaidByShopper |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_dap | ePAQSelectDAP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_ddp | ePAQSelectDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_ddp_direct_access | ePAQSelectDDPDirectAccess |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_direct_access | ePAQSelectDirectAccess |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_direct_access_canada_ddp | ePAQSelectDirectAccessCanadaDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_economy | ePAQSelectEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_oversized | ePAQSelectOversized |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_oversized_ddp | ePAQSelectOversizedDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmei | ePAQSelectPMEI |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmei_canada_customs_pre_paid | ePAQSelectPMEICanadaCustomsPrePaid |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmeipc_postage | ePAQSelectPMEIPCPostage |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmi | ePAQSelectPMI |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmi_canada_customs_prepaid | ePAQSelectPMICanadaCustomsPrepaid |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmi_canada_ddp | ePAQSelectPMICanadaDDP |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmi_non_presort | ePAQSelectPMINonPresort |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmipc_postage | ePAQSelectPMIPCPostage |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_standard | ePAQStandard |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_standard_custom | ePAQStandardCustom |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_standard_economy | ePAQStandardEconomy |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_standard_ipa | ePAQStandardIPA |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_standard_isal | ePAQStandardISAL |
easypost_asendia_us_epaq_select_pmei_non_presort | ePaqSelectPMEINonPresort |
easypost_australiapost_express_post | ExpressPost |
easypost_australiapost_express_post_signature | ExpressPostSignature |
easypost_australiapost_parcel_post | ParcelPost |
easypost_australiapost_parcel_post_signature | ParcelPostSignature |
easypost_australiapost_parcel_post_extra | ParcelPostExtra |
easypost_australiapost_parcel_post_wine_plus_signature | ParcelPostWinePlusSignature |
easypost_axlehire_delivery | AxleHireDelivery |
easypost_better_trucks_next_day | NEXT_DAY |
easypost_bond_standard | Standard |
easypost_canadapost_regular_parcel | RegularParcel |
easypost_canadapost_expedited_parcel | ExpeditedParcel |
easypost_canadapost_xpresspost | Xpresspost |
easypost_canadapost_xpresspost_certified | XpresspostCertified |
easypost_canadapost_priority | Priority |
easypost_canadapost_library_books | LibraryBooks |
easypost_canadapost_expedited_parcel_usa | ExpeditedParcelUSA |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_usa | PriorityWorldwideEnvelopeUSA |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_usa | PriorityWorldwidePakUSA |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_usa | PriorityWorldwideParcelUSA |
easypost_canadapost_small_packet_usa_air | SmallPacketUSAAir |
easypost_canadapost_tracked_packet_usa | TrackedPacketUSA |
easypost_canadapost_tracked_packet_usalvm | TrackedPacketUSALVM |
easypost_canadapost_xpresspost_usa | XpresspostUSA |
easypost_canadapost_xpresspost_international | XpresspostInternational |
easypost_canadapost_international_parcel_air | InternationalParcelAir |
easypost_canadapost_international_parcel_surface | InternationalParcelSurface |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_intl | PriorityWorldwideEnvelopeIntl |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_intl | PriorityWorldwidePakIntl |
easypost_canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_intl | PriorityWorldwideParcelIntl |
easypost_canadapost_small_packet_international_air | SmallPacketInternationalAir |
easypost_canadapost_small_packet_international_surface | SmallPacketInternationalSurface |
easypost_canadapost_tracked_packet_international | TrackedPacketInternational |
easypost_canpar_ground | Ground |
easypost_canpar_select_letter | SelectLetter |
easypost_canpar_select_pak | SelectPak |
easypost_canpar_select | Select |
easypost_canpar_overnight_letter | OvernightLetter |
easypost_canpar_overnight_pak | OvernightPak |
easypost_canpar_overnight | Overnight |
easypost_canpar_select_usa | SelectUSA |
easypost_canpar_usa_pak | USAPak |
easypost_canpar_usa_letter | USALetter |
easypost_canpar_usa | USA |
easypost_canpar_international | International |
easypost_cdl_distribution | DISTRIBUTION |
easypost_cdl_same_day | Same Day |
easypost_courier_express_basic_parcel | BASIC_PARCEL |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_priority_signature | DomesticPrioritySignature |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_priority | DomesticPriority |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_off_peak_signature | DomesticOffPeakSignature |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_off_peak | DomesticOffPeak |
easypost_couriersplease_gold_domestic_signature | GoldDomesticSignature |
easypost_couriersplease_gold_domestic | GoldDomestic |
easypost_couriersplease_australian_city_express_signature | AustralianCityExpressSignature |
easypost_couriersplease_australian_city_express | AustralianCityExpress |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_saver_signature | DomesticSaverSignature |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_saver | DomesticSaver |
easypost_couriersplease_road_express | RoadExpress |
easypost_couriersplease_5_kg_satchel | 5KgSatchel |
easypost_couriersplease_3_kg_satchel | 3KgSatchel |
easypost_couriersplease_1_kg_satchel | 1KgSatchel |
easypost_couriersplease_5_kg_satchel_atl | 5KgSatchelATL |
easypost_couriersplease_3_kg_satchel_atl | 3KgSatchelATL |
easypost_couriersplease_1_kg_satchel_atl | 1KgSatchelATL |
easypost_couriersplease_500_gram_satchel | 500GramSatchel |
easypost_couriersplease_500_gram_satchel_atl | 500GramSatchelATL |
easypost_couriersplease_25_kg_parcel | 25KgParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_10_kg_parcel | 10KgParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_5_kg_parcel | 5KgParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_3_kg_parcel | 3KgParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_1_kg_parcel | 1KgParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_500_gram_parcel | 500GramParcel |
easypost_couriersplease_500_gram_parcel_atl | 500GramParcelATL |
easypost_couriersplease_express_international_priority | ExpressInternationalPriority |
easypost_couriersplease_international_saver | InternationalSaver |
easypost_couriersplease_international_express_import | InternationalExpressImport |
easypost_couriersplease_domestic_tracked | DomesticTracked |
easypost_couriersplease_international_economy | InternationalEconomy |
easypost_couriersplease_international_standard | InternationalStandard |
easypost_couriersplease_international_express | InternationalExpress |
easypost_deutschepost_packet_plus | PacketPlus |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_priority_packet_plus | PriorityPacketPlus |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_priority_packet | PriorityPacket |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_priority_packet_tracked | PriorityPacketTracked |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_business_mail_registered | BusinessMailRegistered |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_standard_packet | StandardPacket |
easypost_deutschepost_uk_business_mail_standard | BusinessMailStandard |
easypost_dhl_ecom_asia_packet | Packet |
easypost_dhl_ecom_asia_parcel_direct | ParcelDirect |
easypost_dhl_ecom_asia_parcel_direct_expedited | ParcelDirectExpedited |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_expedited | DHLParcelExpedited |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_expedited_max | DHLParcelExpeditedMax |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_ground | DHLParcelGround |
easypost_dhl_ecom_bpm_expedited | DHLBPMExpedited |
easypost_dhl_ecom_bpm_ground | DHLBPMGround |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_international_direct | DHLParcelInternationalDirect |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_international_standard | DHLParcelInternationalStandard |
easypost_dhl_ecom_packet_international | DHLPacketInternational |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_international_direct_priority | DHLParcelInternationalDirectPriority |
easypost_dhl_ecom_parcel_international_direct_standard | DHLParcelInternationalDirectStandard |
easypost_dhl_express_break_bulk_economy | BreakBulkEconomy |
easypost_dhl_express_break_bulk_express | BreakBulkExpress |
easypost_dhl_express_domestic_economy_select | DomesticEconomySelect |
easypost_dhl_express_domestic_express | DomesticExpress |
easypost_dhl_express_domestic_express1030 | DomesticExpress1030 |
easypost_dhl_express_domestic_express1200 | DomesticExpress1200 |
easypost_dhl_express_economy_select | EconomySelect |
easypost_dhl_express_economy_select_non_doc | EconomySelectNonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_euro_pack | EuroPack |
easypost_dhl_express_europack_non_doc | EuropackNonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express1030 | Express1030 |
easypost_dhl_express_express1030_non_doc | Express1030NonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express1200_non_doc | Express1200NonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express1200 | Express1200 |
easypost_dhl_express_express900 | Express900 |
easypost_dhl_express_express900_non_doc | Express900NonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express_easy | ExpressEasy |
easypost_dhl_express_express_easy_non_doc | ExpressEasyNonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express_envelope | ExpressEnvelope |
easypost_dhl_express_express_worldwide | ExpressWorldwide |
easypost_dhl_express_express_worldwide_b2_c | ExpressWorldwideB2C |
easypost_dhl_express_express_worldwide_b2_c_non_doc | ExpressWorldwideB2CNonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_express_worldwide_ecx | ExpressWorldwideECX |
easypost_dhl_express_express_worldwide_non_doc | ExpressWorldwideNonDoc |
easypost_dhl_express_freight_worldwide | FreightWorldwide |
easypost_dhl_express_globalmail_business | GlobalmailBusiness |
easypost_dhl_express_jet_line | JetLine |
easypost_dhl_express_jumbo_box | JumboBox |
easypost_dhl_express_logistics_services | LogisticsServices |
easypost_dhl_express_same_day | SameDay |
easypost_dhl_express_secure_line | SecureLine |
easypost_dhl_express_sprint_line | SprintLine |
easypost_dpd_classic | DPDCLASSIC |
easypost_dpd_8_30 | DPD8:30 |
easypost_dpd_10_00 | DPD10:00 |
easypost_dpd_12_00 | DPD12:00 |
easypost_dpd_18_00 | DPD18:00 |
easypost_dpd_express | DPDEXPRESS |
easypost_dpd_parcelletter | DPDPARCELLETTER |
easypost_dpd_parcelletterplus | DPDPARCELLETTERPLUS |
easypost_dpd_internationalmail | DPDINTERNATIONALMAIL |
easypost_dpd_uk_air_express_international_air | AirExpressInternationalAir |
easypost_dpd_uk_air_classic_international_air | AirClassicInternationalAir |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_sunday | ParcelSunday |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_sunday | FreightParcelSunday |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_sunday | PalletSunday |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_dpd_classic | PalletDpdClassic |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_dpd_classic | ExpresspakDpdClassic |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_sunday | ExpresspakSunday |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_dpd_classic | ParcelDpdClassic |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_dpd_two_day | ParcelDpdTwoDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_dpd_next_day | ParcelDpdNextDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_dpd12 | ParcelDpd12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_dpd10 | ParcelDpd10 |
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easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_saturday12 | ParcelSaturday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_saturday10 | ParcelSaturday10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_parcel_sunday12 | ParcelSunday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_dpd_classic | FreightParcelDpdClassic |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_sunday12 | FreightParcelSunday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_dpd_next_day | ExpresspakDpdNextDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_dpd12 | ExpresspakDpd12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_dpd10 | ExpresspakDpd10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_saturday | ExpresspakSaturday |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_saturday12 | ExpresspakSaturday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_saturday10 | ExpresspakSaturday10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_expresspak_sunday12 | ExpresspakSunday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_sunday12 | PalletSunday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_dpd_two_day | PalletDpdTwoDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_dpd_next_day | PalletDpdNextDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_dpd12 | PalletDpd12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_dpd10 | PalletDpd10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_saturday | PalletSaturday |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_saturday12 | PalletSaturday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_pallet_saturday10 | PalletSaturday10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_dpd_two_day | FreightParcelDpdTwoDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_dpd_next_day | FreightParcelDpdNextDay |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_dpd12 | FreightParcelDpd12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_dpd10 | FreightParcelDpd10 |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_saturday | FreightParcelSaturday |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_saturday12 | FreightParcelSaturday12 |
easypost_dpd_uk_freight_parcel_saturday10 | FreightParcelSaturday10 |
easypost_epost_courier_service_ddp | CourierServiceDDP |
easypost_epost_courier_service_ddu | CourierServiceDDU |
easypost_epost_domestic_economy_parcel | DomesticEconomyParcel |
easypost_epost_domestic_parcel_bpm | DomesticParcelBPM |
easypost_epost_domestic_priority_parcel | DomesticPriorityParcel |
easypost_epost_domestic_priority_parcel_bpm | DomesticPriorityParcelBPM |
easypost_epost_emi_service | EMIService |
easypost_epost_economy_parcel_service | EconomyParcelService |
easypost_epost_ipa_service | IPAService |
easypost_epost_isal_service | ISALService |
easypost_epost_pmi_service | PMIService |
easypost_epost_priority_parcel_ddp | PriorityParcelDDP |
easypost_epost_priority_parcel_ddu | PriorityParcelDDU |
easypost_epost_priority_parcel_delivery_confirmation_ddp | PriorityParcelDeliveryConfirmationDDP |
easypost_epost_priority_parcel_delivery_confirmation_ddu | PriorityParcelDeliveryConfirmationDDU |
easypost_epost_epacket_service | ePacketService |
easypost_estafeta_next_day_by930 | NextDayBy930 |
easypost_estafeta_next_day_by1130 | NextDayBy1130 |
easypost_estafeta_next_day | NextDay |
easypost_estafeta_two_day | TwoDay |
easypost_estafeta_ltl | LTL |
easypost_fastway_parcel | Parcel |
easypost_fastway_satchel | Satchel |
easypost_fedex_ground | FEDEX_GROUND |
easypost_fedex_2_day | FEDEX_2_DAY |
easypost_fedex_2_day_am | FEDEX_2_DAY_AM |
easypost_fedex_express_saver | FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER |
easypost_fedex_standard_overnight | STANDARD_OVERNIGHT |
easypost_fedex_first_overnight | FIRST_OVERNIGHT |
easypost_fedex_priority_overnight | PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT |
easypost_fedex_international_economy | INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY |
easypost_fedex_international_first | INTERNATIONAL_FIRST |
easypost_fedex_international_priority | INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY |
easypost_fedex_ground_home_delivery | GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY |
easypost_fedex_crossborder_cbec | CBEC |
easypost_fedex_crossborder_cbecl | CBECL |
easypost_fedex_crossborder_cbecp | CBECP |
easypost_fedex_sameday_city_economy_service | EconomyService |
easypost_fedex_sameday_city_standard_service | StandardService |
easypost_fedex_sameday_city_priority_service | PriorityService |
easypost_fedex_sameday_city_last_mile | LastMile |
easypost_fedex_smart_post | SMART_POST |
easypost_globegistics_pmei | PMEI |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_domestic | eComDomestic |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_europe | eComEurope |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_express | eComExpress |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_extra | eComExtra |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_ipa | eComIPA |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_isal | eComISAL |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_pmei_duty_paid | eComPMEIDutyPaid |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_pmi_duty_paid | eComPMIDutyPaid |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_packet | eComPacket |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_packet_ddp | eComPacketDDP |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_priority | eComPriority |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_standard | eComStandard |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_tracked_ddp | eComTrackedDDP |
easypost_globegistics_ecom_tracked_ddu | eComTrackedDDU |
easypost_gso_early_priority_overnight | EarlyPriorityOvernight |
easypost_gso_priority_overnight | PriorityOvernight |
easypost_gso_california_parcel_service | CaliforniaParcelService |
easypost_gso_saturday_delivery_service | SaturdayDeliveryService |
easypost_gso_early_saturday_service | EarlySaturdayService |
easypost_hermes_domestic_delivery | DomesticDelivery |
easypost_hermes_domestic_delivery_signed | DomesticDeliverySigned |
easypost_hermes_international_delivery | InternationalDelivery |
easypost_hermes_international_delivery_signed | InternationalDeliverySigned |
easypost_interlink_air_classic_international_air | InterlinkAirClassicInternationalAir |
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easypost_interlink_expresspak1_by10_30 | InterlinkExpresspak1By10:30 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak1_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak1By12 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak1_next_day | InterlinkExpresspak1NextDay |
easypost_interlink_expresspak1_saturday | InterlinkExpresspak1Saturday |
easypost_interlink_expresspak1_saturday_by10_30 | InterlinkExpresspak1SaturdayBy10:30 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak1_saturday_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak1SaturdayBy12 |
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easypost_interlink_expresspak1_sunday_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak1SundayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_by10 | InterlinkExpresspak5By10 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_by10_30 | InterlinkExpresspak5By10:30 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak5By12 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_next_day | InterlinkExpresspak5NextDay |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_saturday | InterlinkExpresspak5Saturday |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_saturday_by10 | InterlinkExpresspak5SaturdayBy10 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_saturday_by10_30 | InterlinkExpresspak5SaturdayBy10:30 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_saturday_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak5SaturdayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_sunday | InterlinkExpresspak5Sunday |
easypost_interlink_expresspak5_sunday_by12 | InterlinkExpresspak5SundayBy12 |
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easypost_interlink_freight_by12 | InterlinkFreightBy12 |
easypost_interlink_freight_next_day | InterlinkFreightNextDay |
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easypost_interlink_freight_saturday_by10 | InterlinkFreightSaturdayBy10 |
easypost_interlink_freight_saturday_by12 | InterlinkFreightSaturdayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_freight_sunday | InterlinkFreightSunday |
easypost_interlink_freight_sunday_by12 | InterlinkFreightSundayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_by10 | InterlinkParcelBy10 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_by10_30 | InterlinkParcelBy10:30 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_by12 | InterlinkParcelBy12 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_dpd_europe_by_road | InterlinkParcelDpdEuropeByRoad |
easypost_interlink_parcel_next_day | InterlinkParcelNextDay |
easypost_interlink_parcel_return | InterlinkParcelReturn |
easypost_interlink_parcel_return_to_shop | InterlinkParcelReturnToShop |
easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday | InterlinkParcelSaturday |
easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by10 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy10 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by10_30 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy10:30 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_saturday_by12 | InterlinkParcelSaturdayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_ship_to_shop | InterlinkParcelShipToShop |
easypost_interlink_parcel_sunday | InterlinkParcelSunday |
easypost_interlink_parcel_sunday_by12 | InterlinkParcelSundayBy12 |
easypost_interlink_parcel_two_day | InterlinkParcelTwoDay |
easypost_interlink_pickup_parcel_dpd_europe_by_road | InterlinkPickupParcelDpdEuropeByRoad |
easypost_lasership_weekend | Weekend |
easypost_loomis_ground | LoomisGround |
easypost_loomis_express1800 | LoomisExpress1800 |
easypost_loomis_express1200 | LoomisExpress1200 |
easypost_loomis_express900 | LoomisExpress900 |
easypost_lso_ground_early | GroundEarly |
easypost_lso_ground_basic | GroundBasic |
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easypost_lso_priority_early | PriorityEarly |
easypost_lso_priority_saturday | PrioritySaturday |
easypost_lso_priority2nd_day | Priority2ndDay |
easypost_newgistics_parcel_select | ParcelSelect |
easypost_newgistics_parcel_select_lightweight | ParcelSelectLightweight |
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easypost_newgistics_first_class_mail | FirstClassMail |
easypost_newgistics_priority_mail | PriorityMail |
easypost_newgistics_bound_printed_matter | BoundPrintedMatter |
easypost_ontrac_sunrise | Sunrise |
easypost_ontrac_gold | Gold |
easypost_ontrac_on_trac_ground | OnTracGround |
easypost_ontrac_palletized_freight | PalletizedFreight |
easypost_osm_first | First |
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easypost_osm_bpm | BPM |
easypost_osm_media_mail | MediaMail |
easypost_osm_marketing_parcel | MarketingParcel |
easypost_osm_marketing_parcel_tracked | MarketingParcelTracked |
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easypost_parcll_economy_northeast | Economy Northeast |
easypost_parcll_economy_south | Economy South |
easypost_parcll_expedited_west | Expedited West |
easypost_parcll_expedited_northeast | Expedited Northeast |
easypost_parcll_regional_west | Regional West |
easypost_parcll_regional_east | Regional East |
easypost_parcll_regional_central | Regional Central |
easypost_parcll_regional_northeast | Regional Northeast |
easypost_parcll_regional_south | Regional South |
easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_west | US to Canada Economy West |
easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_central | US to Canada Economy Central |
easypost_parcll_us_to_canada_economy_northeast | US to Canada Economy Northeast |
easypost_parcll_us_to_europe_economy_west | US to Europe Economy West |
easypost_parcll_us_to_europe_economy_northeast | US to Europe Economy Northeast |
easypost_purolator_express | PurolatorExpress |
easypost_purolator_express12_pm | PurolatorExpress12PM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack12_pm | PurolatorExpressPack12PM |
easypost_purolator_express_box12_pm | PurolatorExpressBox12PM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope12_pm | PurolatorExpressEnvelope12PM |
easypost_purolator_express1030_am | PurolatorExpress1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express9_am | PurolatorExpress9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box | PurolatorExpressBox |
easypost_purolator_express_box1030_am | PurolatorExpressBox1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box9_am | PurolatorExpressBox9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box_evening | PurolatorExpressBoxEvening |
easypost_purolator_express_box_international | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational |
easypost_purolator_express_box_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box_international1200 | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_box_international9_am | PurolatorExpressBoxInternational9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box_us | PurolatorExpressBoxUS |
easypost_purolator_express_box_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressBoxUS1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_box_us1200 | PurolatorExpressBoxUS1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_box_us9_am | PurolatorExpressBoxUS9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope | PurolatorExpressEnvelope |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelope9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_evening | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeEvening |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international1200 | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_international9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeInternational9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us1200 | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_envelope_us9_am | PurolatorExpressEnvelopeUS9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_evening | PurolatorExpressEvening |
easypost_purolator_express_international | PurolatorExpressInternational |
easypost_purolator_express_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressInternational1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_international1200 | PurolatorExpressInternational1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_international9_am | PurolatorExpressInternational9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack | PurolatorExpressPack |
easypost_purolator_express_pack1030_am | PurolatorExpressPack1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack9_am | PurolatorExpressPack9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_evening | PurolatorExpressPackEvening |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_international | PurolatorExpressPackInternational |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_international1030_am | PurolatorExpressPackInternational1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_international1200 | PurolatorExpressPackInternational1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_international9_am | PurolatorExpressPackInternational9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_us | PurolatorExpressPackUS |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressPackUS1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_us1200 | PurolatorExpressPackUS1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_pack_us9_am | PurolatorExpressPackUS9AM |
easypost_purolator_express_us | PurolatorExpressUS |
easypost_purolator_express_us1030_am | PurolatorExpressUS1030AM |
easypost_purolator_express_us1200 | PurolatorExpressUS1200 |
easypost_purolator_express_us9_am | PurolatorExpressUS9AM |
easypost_purolator_ground | PurolatorGround |
easypost_purolator_ground1030_am | PurolatorGround1030AM |
easypost_purolator_ground9_am | PurolatorGround9AM |
easypost_purolator_ground_distribution | PurolatorGroundDistribution |
easypost_purolator_ground_evening | PurolatorGroundEvening |
easypost_purolator_ground_regional | PurolatorGroundRegional |
easypost_purolator_ground_us | PurolatorGroundUS |
easypost_royalmail_international_signed | InternationalSigned |
easypost_royalmail_international_tracked | InternationalTracked |
easypost_royalmail_international_tracked_and_signed | InternationalTrackedAndSigned |
easypost_royalmail_1st_class | 1stClass |
easypost_royalmail_1st_class_signed_for | 1stClassSignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_2nd_class | 2ndClass |
easypost_royalmail_2nd_class_signed_for | 2ndClassSignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_royal_mail24 | RoyalMail24 |
easypost_royalmail_royal_mail24_signed_for | RoyalMail24SignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_royal_mail48 | RoyalMail48 |
easypost_royalmail_royal_mail48_signed_for | RoyalMail48SignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_special_delivery_guaranteed1pm | SpecialDeliveryGuaranteed1pm |
easypost_royalmail_special_delivery_guaranteed9am | SpecialDeliveryGuaranteed9am |
easypost_royalmail_standard_letter1st_class | StandardLetter1stClass |
easypost_royalmail_standard_letter1st_class_signed_for | StandardLetter1stClassSignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_standard_letter2nd_class | StandardLetter2ndClass |
easypost_royalmail_standard_letter2nd_class_signed_for | StandardLetter2ndClassSignedFor |
easypost_royalmail_tracked24 | Tracked24 |
easypost_royalmail_tracked24_high_volume | Tracked24HighVolume |
easypost_royalmail_tracked24_high_volume_signature | Tracked24HighVolumeSignature |
easypost_royalmail_tracked24_signature | Tracked24Signature |
easypost_royalmail_tracked48 | Tracked48 |
easypost_royalmail_tracked48_high_volume | Tracked48HighVolume |
easypost_royalmail_tracked48_high_volume_signature | Tracked48HighVolumeSignature |
easypost_royalmail_tracked48_signature | Tracked48Signature |
easypost_seko_ecommerce_standard_tracked | eCommerce Standard Tracked |
easypost_seko_ecommerce_express_tracked | eCommerce Express Tracked |
easypost_seko_domestic_express | Domestic Express |
easypost_seko_domestic_standard | Domestic Standard |
easypost_sendle_easy | Easy |
easypost_sendle_pro | Pro |
easypost_sendle_plus | Plus |
easypost_sfexpress_international_standard_express_doc | International Standard Express - Doc |
easypost_sfexpress_international_standard_express_parcel | International Standard Express - Parcel |
easypost_sfexpress_international_economy_express_pilot | International Economy Express - Pilot |
easypost_sfexpress_international_economy_express_doc | International Economy Express - Doc |
easypost_speedee_delivery | SpeeDeeDelivery |
easypost_startrack_express | StartrackExpress |
easypost_startrack_premium | StartrackPremium |
easypost_startrack_fixed_price_premium | StartrackFixedPricePremium |
easypost_tforce_same_day_white_glove | SameDayWhiteGlove |
easypost_tforce_next_day_white_glove | NextDayWhiteGlove |
easypost_uds_delivery_service | DeliveryService |
easypost_ups_standard | UPSStandard |
easypost_ups_saver | UPSSaver |
easypost_ups_express_plus | ExpressPlus |
easypost_ups_next_day_air | NextDayAir |
easypost_ups_next_day_air_saver | NextDayAirSaver |
easypost_ups_next_day_air_early_am | NextDayAirEarlyAM |
easypost_ups_2nd_day_air | 2ndDayAir |
easypost_ups_2nd_day_air_am | 2ndDayAirAM |
easypost_ups_3_day_select | 3DaySelect |
easypost_ups_mail_expedited_mail_innovations | ExpeditedMailInnovations |
easypost_ups_mail_priority_mail_innovations | PriorityMailInnovations |
easypost_ups_mail_economy_mail_innovations | EconomyMailInnovations |
easypost_usps_library_mail | LibraryMail |
easypost_usps_first_class_mail_international | FirstClassMailInternational |
easypost_usps_first_class_package_international_service | FirstClassPackageInternationalService |
easypost_usps_priority_mail_international | PriorityMailInternational |
easypost_usps_express_mail_international | ExpressMailInternational |
easypost_veho_next_day | nextDay |
easypost_veho_same_day | sameDay |
Deutsche Post DHL
Code | Service Name |
dpdhl_paket | V01PAK |
dpdhl_paket_international | V53WPAK |
dpdhl_europaket | V54EPAK |
dpdhl_paket_connect | V55PAK |
dpdhl_warenpost | V62WP |
dpdhl_warenpost_international | V66WPI |
dpdhl_retoure |
Code | Service Name |
dpd_cl | CL |
dpd_express_10h | E10 |
dpd_express_12h | E12 |
dpd_express_18h_guarantee | E18 |
dpd_express_b2b_predict | B2B MSG option |
DHL Parcel Poland
Code | Service Name |
dhl_poland_premium | PR |
dhl_poland_polska | AH |
dhl_poland_09 | 09 |
dhl_poland_12 | 12 |
dhl_poland_connect | EK |
dhl_poland_international | PI |
DHL Parcel DE
Code | Service Name |
dhl_parcel_de_paket | V01PAK |
dhl_parcel_de_warenpost | V62WP |
dhl_parcel_de_europaket | V54EPAK |
dhl_parcel_de_paket_international | V53WPAK |
dhl_parcel_de_warenpost_international | V66WPI |
DHL Express
Code | Service Name |
dhl_logistics_services | 0 |
dhl_domestic_express_12_00 | 1 |
dhl_express_choice | 2 |
dhl_express_choice_nondoc | 3 |
dhl_jetline | 4 |
dhl_sprintline | 5 |
dhl_air_capacity_sales | 6 |
dhl_express_easy | 7 |
dhl_express_easy_nondoc | 8 |
dhl_parcel_product | 9 |
dhl_accounting | A |
dhl_breakbulk_express | B |
dhl_medical_express | C |
dhl_express_worldwide_doc | D |
dhl_express_9_00_nondoc | E |
dhl_freight_worldwide_nondoc | F |
dhl_economy_select_domestic | G |
dhl_economy_select_nondoc | H |
dhl_express_domestic_9_00 | I |
dhl_jumbo_box_nondoc | J |
dhl_express_9_00 | K |
dhl_express_10_30 | L |
dhl_express_10_30_nondoc | M |
dhl_express_domestic | N |
dhl_express_domestic_10_30 | O |
dhl_express_worldwide_nondoc | P |
dhl_medical_express_nondoc | Q |
dhl_globalmail | R |
dhl_same_day | S |
dhl_express_12_00 | T |
dhl_express_worldwide | U |
dhl_parcel_product_nondoc | V |
dhl_economy_select | W |
dhl_express_envelope | X |
dhl_express_12_00_nondoc | Y |
dhl_destination_charges | Z |
dhl_express_all | None |
Code | Service Name |
colissimo_home_without_signature | DOM |
colissimo_home_with_signature | DOS |
colissimo_eco_france | CECO |
colissimo_return_france | CORE |
colissimo_flash_without_signature | COLR |
colissimo_flash_with_signature | J+1 |
colissimo_oversea_home_without_signature | COM |
colissimo_oversea_home_with_signature | CDS |
colissimo_eco_om_without_signature | ECO |
colissimo_eco_om_with_signature | ECOS |
colissimo_retour_om | CORI |
colissimo_return_international_from_france | CORF |
colissimo_economical_big_export_offer | ACCI |
colissimo_out_of_home_national_international | HD |
Code | Service Name |
chronopost_retrait_bureau | 0 |
chronopost_13 | 1 |
chronopost_10 | 2 |
chronopost_18 | 16 |
chronopost_relais | 86 |
chronopost_express_international | 17 |
chronopost_premium_international | 37 |
chronopost_classic_international | 44 |
Canada Post
Code | Service Name |
canadapost_regular_parcel | DOM.RP |
canadapost_expedited_parcel | DOM.EP |
canadapost_xpresspost | DOM.XP |
canadapost_xpresspost_certified | DOM.XP.CERT |
canadapost_priority | DOM.PC |
canadapost_library_books | DOM.LIB |
canadapost_expedited_parcel_usa | USA.EP |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_usa | USA.PW.ENV |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_usa | USA.PW.PAK |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_usa | USA.PW.PARCEL |
canadapost_small_packet_usa_air | USA.SP.AIR |
canadapost_tracked_packet_usa | USA.TP |
canadapost_tracked_packet_usa_lvm | USA.TP.LVM |
canadapost_xpresspost_usa | USA.XP |
canadapost_xpresspost_international | INT.XP |
canadapost_international_parcel_air | INT.IP.AIR |
canadapost_international_parcel_surface | INT.IP.SURF |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_envelope_intl | INT.PW.ENV |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_pak_intl | INT.PW.PAK |
canadapost_priority_worldwide_parcel_intl | INT.PW.PARCEL |
canadapost_small_packet_international_air | INT.SP.AIR |
canadapost_small_packet_international_surface | INT.SP.SURF |
canadapost_tracked_packet_international | INT.TP |
Belgian Post
Code | Service Name |
bpack_24h_pro | bpack 24h Pro |
bpack_24h_business | bpack 24h business |
bpack_bus | bpack Bus |
bpack_pallet | bpack Pallet |
bpack_easy_retour | bpack Easy Retour |
bpack_xl | bpack XL |
bpack_bpost | bpack@bpost |
bpack_24_7 | bpack 24/7 |
bpack_world_business | bpack World Business |
bpack_world_express_pro | bpack World Express Pro |
bpack_europe_business | bpack Europe Business |
bpack_world_easy_return | bpack World Easy Return |
bpack_bpost_international | bpack@bpost international |
bpack_24_7_international | bpack 24/7 international |
Code | Service Name |
boxknight_sameday | SAMEDAY |
boxknight_nextday | NEXTDAY |
boxknight_scheduled | SCHEDULED |
Australia Post
Code | Service Name |
australiapost_parcel_post | T28 |
australiapost_express_post | E34 |
australiapost_parcel_post_signature | 3D55 |
australiapost_express_post_signature | 3J55 |
australiapost_intl_standard_pack_track | PTI8 |
australiapost_intl_standard_with_signature | PTI7 |
australiapost_intl_express_merch | ECM8 |
australiapost_intl_express_docs | ECD8 |
australiapost_eparcel_post_returns | PR |
australiapost_express_eparcel_post_returns | XPR |
Asendia US
Code | Service Name |
asendia_us_e_com_tracked_ddp | 19 |
asendia_us_fully_tracked | 65 |
asendia_us_country_tracked | 66 |
Code | Service Name |
amazon_shipping_ground | Amazon Shipping Ground |
amazon_shipping_standard | Amazon Shipping Standard |
amazon_shipping_premium | Amazon Shipping Premium |
Allied Express Local
Code | Service Name |
allied_road_service | R |
allied_parcel_service | P |
allied_standard_pallet_service | PT |
allied_oversized_pallet_service | PT2 |
allied_local_normal_service | N |
allied_local_vip_service | V |
allied_local_executive_service | E |
allied_local_gold_service | G |
Allied Express
Code | Service Name |
allied_road_service | R |
allied_parcel_service | P |
allied_standard_pallet_service | PT |
allied_oversized_pallet_service | PT2 |
Use any of the following templates when you ship with special carrier packaging.
Code | Dimensions |
ups_small_express_box | 13.0 x 11.0 x 2.0 in |
ups_medium_express_box | 16.0 x 11.0 x 3.0 in |
ups_large_express_box | 18.0 x 13.0 x 3.0 in |
ups_express_tube | 38.0 x 6.0 x 6.0 in |
ups_express_pak | 16.0 x 11.75 x 1.5 in |
ups_world_document_box | 17.5 x 12.5 x 3.0 in |
Code | Dimensions |
tnt_envelope_doc | 35.0 x 1.0 x 27.5 cm |
tnt_satchel_bag1 | 40.0 x 1.0 x 30.0 cm |
tnt_satchel_bag2 | 47.5 x 1.0 x 38.0 cm |
tnt_box_B | 29.5 x 19.0 x 40.0 cm |
tnt_box_C | 29.5 x 29.0 x 40.0 cm |
tnt_box_D | 39.5 x 29.0 x 50.0 cm |
tnt_box_E | 39.5 x 49.5 x 44.0 cm |
tnt_medpack_ambient | 18.0 x 12.0 x 23.0 cm |
tnt_medpack_fronzen_10 | 37.0 x 35.5 x 40.0 cm |
Code | Dimensions |
purolator_express_envelope | 12.5 x 16 x 1.5 in |
purolator_express_pack | 12.5 x 16 x 1.0 in |
purolator_express_box | 18 x 12 x 3.5 in |
FedEx Web Service
Code | Dimensions |
fedex_envelope_legal_size | 9.5 x 15.5 x 1 in |
fedex_padded_pak | 11.75 x 14.75 x 1 in |
fedex_polyethylene_pak | 12.0 x 15.5 x 1 in |
fedex_clinical_pak | 13.5 x 18.0 x 1 in |
fedex_small_box | 12.25 x 10.9 x 1.5 in |
fedex_medium_box | 13.25 x 11.5 x 2.38 in |
fedex_large_box | 17.88 x 12.38 x 3.0 in |
fedex_extra_large_box | 11.88 x 11.0 x 10.75 in |
fedex_10_kg_box | 15.81 x 12.94 x 10.19 in |
fedex_25_kg_box | 21.56 x 16.56 x 13.19 in |
fedex_tube | 38.0 x 6.0 x 6.0 in |
DHL Express
Code | Dimensions |
dhl_express_envelope | 35.0 x 27.5 x 1.0 cm |
dhl_express_standard_flyer | 40.0 x 30.0 x 1.5 cm |
dhl_express_large_flyer | 47.5 x 37.5 x 1.5 cm |
dhl_express_box_2 | 33.7 x 18.2 x 10.0 cm |
dhl_express_box_3 | 33.6 x 32.0 x 5.2 cm |
dhl_express_box_4 | 33.7 x 32.2 x 18.0 cm |
dhl_express_box_5 | 33.7 x 32.2 x 34.5 cm |
dhl_express_box_6 | 41.7 x 35.9 x 36.9 cm |
dhl_express_box_7 | 48.1 x 40.4 x 38.9 cm |
dhl_express_box_8 | 54.2 x 44.4 x 40.9 cm |
dhl_express_tube | 96.0 x 15.0 x 15.0 cm |
dhl_didgeridoo_box | 13.0 x 13.0 x 162.0 cm |
dhl_jumbo_box | 45.0 x 42.7 x 33.0 cm |
dhl_jumbo_box_junior | 39.9 x 34.0 x 24.1 cm |
Canada Post
Code | Dimensions |
canadapost_mailing_box | 10.2 x 15.2 x 1.0 cm |
canadapost_extra_small_mailing_box | 14.0 x 14.0 x 14.0 cm |
canadapost_small_mailing_box | 28.6 x 22.9 x 6.4 cm |
canadapost_medium_mailing_box | 31.0 x 23.5 x 13.3 cm |
canadapost_large_mailing_box | 38.1 x 30.5 x 9.5 cm |
canadapost_extra_large_mailing_box | 40.0 x 30.5 x 21.6 cm |
canadapost_corrugated_small_box | 42.0 x 32.0 x 32.0 cm |
canadapost_corrugated_medium_box | 46.0 x 38.0 x 32.0 cm |
canadapost_corrugated_large_box | 46.0 x 46.0 x 40.6 cm |
canadapost_xexpresspost_certified_envelope | 26.0 x 15.9 x 1.5 cm |
canadapost_xexpresspost_national_large_envelope | 40.0 x 29.2 x 1.5 cm |