This is an object representing your Karrio shipment. A Shipment guides you through process of preparing and purchasing a label for an order. A Shipment transitions through multiple statuses throughout its lifetime as the package shipped makes its journey to it's destination.
📄️ List all shipments
Retrieve all shipments.
📄️ Create a shipment
Create a new shipment instance.
📄️ Retrieve a shipment
Retrieve a shipment.
📄️ Update a shipment
This operation allows for updating properties of a shipment including `label_type`, `reference`, `payment`, `options` and `metadata`.
📄️ Cancel a shipment
Void a shipment with the associated label.
📄️ Buy a shipment label
Select your preferred rates to buy a shipment label.
📄️ Fetch new shipment rates
Refresh the list of the shipment rates