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Create a webhook



Create a new webhook.




    url urirequired

    The URL of the webhook endpoint.

    description stringnullable

    An optional description of what the webhook is used for.

    enabled_events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, shipment_purchased, shipment_cancelled, shipment_fulfilled, shipment_out_for_delivery, shipment_needs_attention, shipment_delivery_failed, tracker_created, tracker_updated, order_created, order_updated, order_fulfilled, order_cancelled, order_delivered, batch_queued, batch_failed, batch_running, batch_completed]

    The list of events to enable for this endpoint.

    disabled booleannullable

    Indicates that the webhook is disabled



    id string

    A unique identifier

    url urirequired

    The URL of the webhook endpoint.

    description stringnullable

    An optional description of what the webhook is used for.

    enabled_events string[]required

    Possible values: [all, shipment_purchased, shipment_cancelled, shipment_fulfilled, shipment_out_for_delivery, shipment_needs_attention, shipment_delivery_failed, tracker_created, tracker_updated, order_created, order_updated, order_fulfilled, order_cancelled, order_delivered, batch_queued, batch_failed, batch_running, batch_completed]

    The list of events to enable for this endpoint.

    disabled booleannullable

    Indicates that the webhook is disabled

    object_type string

    Default value: webhook

    Specifies the object type

    last_event_at date-timenullable

    The datetime of the last event sent.

    secret stringrequired

    Header signature secret

    test_mode booleanrequired

    Specified whether it was created with a carrier in test mode
