Developing Karrio
Documentation for developers contributing to the Karrio code base.
The following steps need to be performed inside a terminal window (Windows user may prefer to use the Windows WSL).
Fork karrio on Github.
Clone the repository:
git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/karrio.git
cd karrio
- Install system dependencies:
The install-binaries
script will install the following binaries: gcc
, pango
, libffi
, ghostscript
They are required for the following Python packages: weasyprint and treepoem
used by the document generation
feature for HTML to PDF document generation and barcode image rendering.
- Setup a Python environment with all dependencies:
source ./bin/setup-server-env
# installation
# activate environment
source ./bin/activate-env
- Apply database migrations, collect static assets:
Karrio uses SQLite by default to simplify the development setup.
If you want to use Postgres instead
- Change the database config:
- # DATABASE_ENGINE=postgresql_psycopg2
+ DATABASE_ENGINE=postgresql_psycopg2
- Start the database using:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d db
- Destroy the database using:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
karrio migrate
karrio collectstatic --noinput
- Finally, create yourself an admin account:
karrio createsuperuser
- Start the server:
The Karrio dashboard codebase is now in the same repository as we move towards a monorepo structure. You can simply setup the dashboard by following the steps below.
- Install node dependencies:
Run this at the root of the repository. cd karrio
npm i
- Setup environment variables:
cp apps/dashboard/.env.sample apps/dashboard/.env
- Start the dashboard:
npm run dev
Working on Karrio SDK core and all extensions
- Setting up Karrio SDK and all carrier extensions
cd karrio
. ./bin/setup-sdk-env
- Running all SDK tests
cd karrio
Working on a single carrier
- Setup a Python environment with the dev dependencies
cd karrio
This will create and activate an isolated Python environment with the dev dependencies required to work on karrio.
- Install an extension in dev mode
cd karrio
# install karrio core SDK
pip install -e modules/sdk
# pip install -e modules/connectors/[carrier_extension]
pip install -e modules/connectors/fedex
- Running tests for a single extension
cd karrio
# python -m unittest discover -v -f modules/connectors/[carrier_extension]/tests
python -m unittest discover -v -f modules/connectors/fedex/tests
Working on karrio server
- Setting up Karrio server
cd karrio
. ./bin/setup-server-env
- Running all server tests
cd karrio
- Running tests on a single karrio server module
cd karrio
# karrio test --failfast karrio.server.[module].tests
karrio test --failfast karrio.server.manager.tests
Reset Karrio database for a fresh reinstall
cd karrio
# stop and remove the database container
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
# start a fresh Postgres container
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d db
Backup your data
cd karrio
karrio dumpdata --natural-foreign --natural-primary -o [BACKUP_LOCATION_PATH]/data[VERSION].json
# e.g: karrio dumpdata --natural-foreign --natural-primary -o ../backup/data2024.1.json
Load dev data
cd karrio
karrio loaddata [BACKUP_LOCATION_PATH]/data[VERSION].json
# e.g: karrio loaddata ../backup/data2024.1.json
Developing with docker
You can use a docker development environment power by docker compose that comes with all the required dependencies installed for you.
Fork karrio on Github.
Clone the repository:
git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/karrio.git
cd karrio
- Setup karrio
./bin/docker-env create
- Start karrio
./bin/docker-env exec './bin/start-server'
Once ready, karrio should be up and running at localhost:5002
Developing with the docker environment simplifies the installation step. You can run the same helper scripts on the docker dev environment container.
Help: You can pass any the following commands to the './bin/docker-env' scripts
create Create and setup docker dev environment.
./bin/docker-env create
destroy Destroy docker dev environment.
./bin/docker-env destroy
on: Start docker dev environment.
./bin/docker-env on
off: Stop docker dev environment.
./bin/docker-env off
shell: Start docker dev environment shell.
./bin/docker-env shell
exec: Execute command in docker dev environment.
./bin/docker-env exec '<command>'
# examples:
# to run server tests.
./bin/docker-env exec './bin/run-server-tests'
# to run a carrier integration tests.
./bin/docker-env exec 'python -m unittest discover -v -f modules/connectors/dhl_express/tests'
Make sure Docker and Docker Compose work before attempting to run Karrio. We won't be able to assist with your Docker installation.
Make sure you've read the warning about Windows 10 Home. Windows versions before Windows 10 are not officially supported.
If you encounter other problems, see Support.