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Self-host Karrio Insiders

Karrio Insiders is the enterprise version of Karrio with additional modules for large companies with significant data isolation requirements.

Hobby one-click install


  • A Linux Ubuntu Virtual Machine

    • An instance with 4GB of RAM can handle approximately 100k events spread over a month
    • We highly recommend an instance with at least 4GB of RAM to handle any surges in event volume
  • Custom domain with the following records for your instance

    • Type A | Host api | Value Your instance IP
    • Type A | Host app | Value Your instance IP
  • GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with read:packages scope

Setting up the stack

To get started, run the following command which will spin up a fresh Karrio Insiders deployment:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You'll be asked to provide:

  1. Your GitHub Personal Access Token
  2. The release tag you would like to use
  3. The domain you have connected to your instance

Once everything has been set up, you should see the following message:

We will need to wait ~5-10 minutes for things to settle down, migrations to finish, and TLS certs to be issued

⏳ Waiting for Karrio Insiders to boot (this will take a few minutes)

Customizing your deployment (optional)

The deployment uses default configuration values suitable for most deployments. If you need to customize anything, you can:

  1. Review the full list of environment variables
  2. Edit your .env file with any custom values
  3. Restart the stack with docker-compose

For different versions of Karrio Insiders, check the available tags in your Insiders portal.


Authentication Issues

If you see Docker pull errors, ensure:

  • Your GitHub PAT has the read:packages scope
  • Your PAT hasn't expired
  • You're using the correct PAT in your environment

Container Issues

Check that all containers are running:

docker ps

You should see containers for:

  • karrio.caddy
  • karrio.worker
  • karrio.dashboard
  • karrio.api
  • karrio.db
  • karrio.redis

To check container logs:

docker logs <container_name>


To upgrade your Karrio Insiders installation:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Before upgrading:

  1. Create backups of all your data
  2. Ensure your GitHub PAT is still valid
  3. Check the changelog for any breaking changes


If you need to scale beyond your current setup, consider:

  1. Increasing your instance size
  2. Moving to Karrio Cloud Enterprise for a fully managed experience


For Karrio Insiders support: